[ Gamergate explained ](
http://www.motherjones.com/media/2014/10/gamergate-explained ) . Here's what I think of this. The principal wrong in this issue consists of the threats of rape and murder made against some commentators. These threats are inexcusable. Even supposing the targets' statements were mistaken or dishonest, that would not justify these threats. The integrity of journalism is a significant issue, in regard to computer games as in every other area. However, according to this article, the initial accusation that a game designer exercised dishonest influence on a journalist is demonstrably false. Meanwhile, US journalism is subject to distorting influence in regard to issues such as [ war ](
https://www.stallman.org/archives/2014-jul-oct.html#07_September_2014_(Debates_between_right-wing_pundits_that_all_agree) ) , [ destabilization campaigns ](
https://www.stallman.org/archives/2010-nov-feb.html#14%20February%202011%20(Aristide%20vs%20US) ) , [ supporting tyrannical allies ](
https://www.stallman.org/archives/2014-may-aug.html#30_July_2014_(Hamas_is_forcing_Israel_to_kill_Palestinian_children) ) , [ global heating, <a href="
https://www.stallman.org/archives/2011-nov-feb.html#01_November_2011_(Treaties_Don%27t_Create_Job)">"free trade" treaties ](
https://www.stallman.org/archives/2012-sep-dec.html#26_September_2012_(Distorted_coverage_of_global_heating) ) , [ massive surveillance ](
https://www.stallman.org/archives/2013-sep-dec.html#07_October_2013_(NSA%27s_bogus_claims_get_coverage_in_mainstream_media) ) , and [ others ](
http://fair.org ) . The quality of journalism is also a significant issue. Journalism about computer games is generally lousy because it focuses solely on what playing the game is like, and disregards the grave ethical flaw nearly all these games have: a nonfree software engine. If you value your freedom, rather than arguing about whether a review of a nonfree game was accurate in regard to secondary aspects, [ refuse to run nonfree games ](
http://gnu.org/philosophy/nonfree-games.html ) .