Сделали хак-фикс повреждения фс при переименовании. Нужно перетестировать установку крупных приложений.Pierre Schweitzer (
https://jira.reactos.org/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=heis+spiter) resolved CORE-11377 - Detected a problem with the file system ROS 71525 as 'Fixed' [
https://jira.reactos.org/browse/CORE-11377 ](
https://jira.reactos.org/browse/CORE-11377 ) Committed the fix (which is basically the hack I proposed) in r72145. After a discussion with Thomas, it appears that given the current design of our driver, there's no other choices than that one for now...For the record, it doesn't seem to make Read more (