openbsd-ports-cvs(obsdave,2) — All
2014-08-23 07:55:08
Module name: ports
Changes by: bentley@cvs.openbsd.org 2014/08/22 20:57:43
Log message:
Import quadrupleback-0.1.0.
Quadrupleback is a video game where intruders must be circled. It is a
clone of the 1982 Doubleback game by Dale Lear for the Tandy Color
ok bcallah@
Vendor Tag: bentley
Release Tags: bentley_20140822
N ports/games/quadrupleback/Makefile
N ports/games/quadrupleback/distinfo
N ports/games/quadrupleback/pkg/DESCR
N ports/games/quadrupleback/pkg/PLIST
N ports/games/quadrupleback/patches/patch-src_Makefile_in
N ports/games/quadrupleback/patches/patch-Makefile_in
No conflicts created by this import