[#] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports-cvs&m=140950615408668&w=2
openbsd-ports-cvs(obsdave,2) — All
2014-08-31 21:55:12

Module name: ports
Changes by: schwarze@cvs.openbsd.org 2014/08/31 11:28:35

Log message:
import textproc/gpresent
The gpresent and piclink groff macros and the presentps PostScript
postprocessor support the creation of PDF presentations. Without
using the PAUSE macro, the macros can also be used to make slides.
ok MAINTAINER pascal@


Vendor Tag: schwarze
Release Tags: schwarze_20140831

N ports/textproc/gpresent/Makefile
N ports/textproc/gpresent/distinfo
N ports/textproc/gpresent/pkg/PLIST
N ports/textproc/gpresent/pkg/DESCR
N ports/textproc/gpresent/patches/patch-presentps

No conflicts created by this import