openbsd-ports-cvs(obsdave,2) — All
2014-08-20 02:55:10
Module name: ports
Changes by: pascal@cvs.openbsd.org 2014/08/19 16:40:34
Log message:
Import games/sumwars. feedback bentley@/kirby@, ok kirby@
Summoning Wars is an open source role-playing game, featuring both
a single-player and a multiplayer mode for about 2 to 8 players.
Vendor Tag: pascal
Release Tags: pascal_20140820
N ports/games/sumwars/Makefile
N ports/games/sumwars/distinfo
N ports/games/sumwars/pkg/DESCR
N ports/games/sumwars/pkg/PLIST
N ports/games/sumwars/patches/patch-CMakeLists_txt
No conflicts created by this import