Longtime Slashdot reader tlhIngan writes: In what is perhaps the greatest irony ever, the operators of RedNote (known as Xiaohongshu) have decided to "wall off" US TikTok refugees fleeing to its service as the TikTok ban looms. The reason? The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wants to prevent American influence from spreading to Chinese citizens. The ban is expected to be in place next week, while many believe that the influx of Americans to be temporary and just a reaction to the TikTok ban to move to another Chinese app. Many Chinese users are not happy with the influx as having "ruined" their ability to connect with "Chinese culture, Chinese values and Chinese news."
[ Read more of this story ](
https://tech.slashdot.org/story/25/01/17/2146214/rednote-may-wall-off-tiktok-refugees-to-prevent-us-influence-on-chinese-users?utm_source=atom1.0moreanon&utm_medium=feed ) at Slashdot.