[#] Снова пробились на слешдот
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2016-08-28 20:00:02

Ссылка: [ ReactOS 0.4.2 Released: Supports Linux Filesystems, .NET Applications, and Doom 3 - Slashdot ]( https://games.slashdot.org/story/16/08/27/1724217/reactos-042-released-supports-linux-filesystems-net-applications-and-doom-3 ) [ http://cs630919.vk.me/v630919775/47ceb/FewZBdK9oYY.jpg ]( https://games.slashdot.org/story/16/08/27/1724217/reactos-042-released-supports-linux-filesystems-net-applications-and-doom-3 ) Continuing its rapid release cycle, ReactOS has unveiled version 0.4.2 of its free "open-source binary-compatible Windows re-implementation." Slashdot reader jeditobe reports that this new version can now read and write various Linux/Unix file systems like Btrfs and ext (and can read ReiserFS and UF...Снова пробились на слешдот.#reactos #rosinmedia
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