[#] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=140879011625802&w=2
openbsd-cvs(obsdave,2) — All
2014-08-23 14:55:08

Module name: src
Changes by: stsp@cvs.openbsd.org 2014/08/23 04:34:18

Modified files:
usr.sbin/ldomctl: ldomctl.8

Log message:
Enhance the ldomctl(8) man page.
Describe all available commands, document the init-system file format, and
add examples guiding users through the process of setting up guest domains
based on <a href="http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&amp;sid=20121214153413" rel="nofollow">http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&amp;sid=20121214153413</a>
input and ok jasper jmc schwarze