Contributed by [pitrh]( on Tue Aug 19 17:34:45 2014 (GMT)
from the was that by by remote control dept.
Antoine Jacoutot (ajacoutot@) has just committed [committed]( a tool for managing [rc.conf.local(8)](), in order to make it simpler for automated management systems such as Puppet or Ansible to interface with the operating system configuration:
> CVSROOT: /cvs
> Module name: src
> Changes by: 2014/08/19 08:08:20
> Added files:
> usr.sbin/rcctl : Makefile rcctl.8
> Log message:
> Introduce rcctl(8), a simple utility for maintaining rc.conf.local(8).
> # rcctl
> usage: rcctl enable|disable|status|action [service [flags [...]]]
> Lots of man page improvement from the usual suspects (jmc@ and schwarze@)
> not hooked up yet but committing now so work can continue in-tree
> agreed by several