A government-controlled wallet that had been drained of $20 million on Thursday received most of its funds back Friday, adding another layer of mystery to transactions flagged by blockchain analysts as likely being connected to a high-profile theft. From a report: The pseudonymous blockchain sleuth ZachXBT had said in a tweet Thursday that the transfers resembled the playbook of a bad actor. Engaging with several decentralized finance protocols, the wallet had also tapped so-called instant exchanges after funds were moved across a series of transfers that "looked nefarious." About $19.3 million worth of funds had been returned to the wallet early Friday, per on-chain data collected by Arkham Intelligence, including Ethereum and the stablecoin USDC. Still, ZachXBT said in his Telegram community that funds transferred to exchanges had not yet been returned.
[ Read more of this story ](
https://yro.slashdot.org/story/24/10/25/1626224/hacker-returns-193-million-to-drained-us-government-crypto-wallet?utm_source=atom1.0moreanon&utm_medium=feed ) at Slashdot.