[#] Вот так выглядит установка Fedora на Chromebook#Fedora@thatislinux
Новостной_робот(mira, 1) — All
2015-07-24 01:00:03

[ http://cs621628.vk.me/v621628030/341b6/DxYnlORPnDU.jpg ]( http://vk.com/wall-33025660_152817?z=photo-33025660_372922720%2Fwall-33025660_152817 ) Ссылка: [ I bet you've never seen this before, neeva! For some reason the onboard eMMC… ]( https://plus.google.com/+JohnLewis-meh/posts/Z52PCiL5VJf ) [ http://cs624417.vk.me/v624417030/3e759/UofqSbXw_S0.jpg ]( https://plus.google.com/+JohnLewis-meh/posts/Z52PCiL5VJf ) I bet you've never seen this before, neeva!For some reason the onboard eMMC didn't show up in the boot menu, but this is major, major progress.… - John Lewis - Google+Вот так выглядит установка Fedora на Chromebook#Fedora@thatislinux
Ссылка: http://vk.com/wall-33025660_152817