[#] Анонс игры Казаки 3
Новостной_робот(mira, 1) — All
2015-05-19 18:00:11

[ http://cs622628.vk.me/v622628891/27742/aCz4op08NtU.jpg ]( http://vk.com/wall-33025660_142802?z=photo-33025660_365709316%2Fwall-33025660_142802 ) Ссылка: [ The company that made STALKER is back with their next game, Cossacks 3 ]( http://www.polygon.com/features/2015/5/18/8615339/cossacks-3-announcement-release-date-gsc-stalker ) [ http://cs624419.vk.me/v624419163/34817/KcSUaeuWSlE.jpg ]( http://www.polygon.com/features/2015/5/18/8615339/cossacks-3-announcement-release-date-gsc-stalker ) Late last year GSC Game World, known in the West as the studio that developed the STALKER games, returned from self-imposed exile. Today the studio announces its next title, Cossacks 3, a remake of...Анонс игры Казаки 3.В списке поддреживаемых платформ Linux
Ссылка: http://vk.com/wall-33025660_142802