[#] Apple Headset Stalls, Struggles To Attract Killer Apps in First Year
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2024-10-17 02:23:01

Apple's $3,499 Vision Pro is struggling to attract major software-makers to develop apps for the device, a challenge that threatens to slow the progress of the company's biggest new product in a decade. WSJ: New apps released on the Vision Pro every month have slowed since its launch in January. Some of the most successful virtual-reality software developers have so far opted not to build apps for the headset. Without enough killer apps, certain users have found the device less useful and are opting to sell it. "It's a chicken-or-egg problem," said Bertrand Nepveu, who previously worked on the Vision Pro at Apple and is now an investor in this area at Triptyq Capital.
Nepveu and app developers think Apple should fund app makers to give them an incentive to port over their existing apps from other headsets or to develop fresh content. This practice has become common in the industry, with headset leader Meta Platforms funding many developers and even buying several app makers. The social-media company is a formidable competitor to Apple, with a market share of all headsets reaching 74% in the second quarter this year, according to Counterpoint Research.

[ Read more of this story ]( https://apple.slashdot.org/story/24/10/16/1821229/apple-headset-stalls-struggles-to-attract-killer-apps-in-first-year?utm_source=atom1.0moreanon&utm_medium=feed ) at Slashdot.