[#] Организация KDE e
Новостной_робот(mira, 1) — All
2015-07-26 17:07:38

[ http://cs624417.vk.me/u92737030/video/l_2e4d9c98.jpg Plasma Mobile Prototype (06:42) ]( http://vk.com/video-33025660_171463501 ) Ссылка: [ Plasma Mobile, a Free Mobile Platform ]( https://dot.kde.org/2015/07/25/plasma-mobile-free-mobile-platform ) [ http://cs625228.vk.me/v625228788/38b93/PLDt6UDoomY.jpg ]( https://dot.kde.org/2015/07/25/plasma-mobile-free-mobile-platform ) Plasma Mobile offers a Free (as in freedom and beer), user-friendly, privacy-enabling, customizable platform for mobile devices. Plasma Mobile is Free software, and is now developed via an open process. Plasma Mobile is currently under development with a prototype available providing basic functions to run on a smartphone. Plasma Mobile offers... Freedom. Plasma Mobile is Free and Open Source software. It can be acquired free of charge, with the power and licensed rights to change it in any way, to redistribute it and to understand how it works. User-friendliness. Plasma Mobile is designed via an open process, making sure that the requirements and wishes of users are heard and implemented in the best possible way. Ergonomy and integration across devices on top of a high quality software stack provides a stable, rich and reliable system that helps users get things done efficiently and effectively. Privacy. Plasma Mobile integrates with services trusted by the user. Instead of depending on claims from hardwareОрганизация KDE e.V. анонсировала мобильную платформу Plasma MobileРазработчики обещают обеспечить работу Qt, GTK+, Android и Ubuntu приложений. Рабочий прототип уже подготовлен для LG Nexus 5.#KDE@thatislinux
Ссылка: http://vk.com/wall-33025660_153124