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51t(lenina,1) — All
2014-08-30 00:58:06

> pkg_info -m

armagetronad- 3D light cycle game
athn-firmware-1.1p1 firmware binary images for athn(4) driver
atomix-2.14.0p7     build molecules out of single atoms
bass-1.2p0          Beneath A Steel Sky
beret-1.2.1pl1p0    2D puzzle-platformer game
blobby-1.0rc3       volleyball game with online play
boost-1.53.0p5      free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
bzflag-2.4.2p0      graphical multiplayer 3D tank war game
celestia-1.6.1p8    free space simulator and planetarium
chocolate-doom-1.7.0 portable version of iD Software's Doom
chromium-bsu- fast paced arcade-style space shooter
cmus-2.5.0          ncurses-based music player
crack-attack-1.1.14p9 OpenGL game based on SNES classic Tetris Attack
dangerdeep- WWII German submarine simulator
doomdata-1.9p0      DOOM I Shareware data files
dosbox-0.74p4       x86 with DOS emulator targeted at playing games
eduke32- Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D engine
extremetuxracer-0.4p1 downhill racing game
flare-0.19          free/libre action roleplaying engine
flightgear-2.12.0   modern, open-source flight simulator
fluidsynth-1.1.6p2  SoundFont2 software synthesizer
foobillard-3.0a     free OpenGl billard game
fotaq-1.1v0         flight of the amazon queen
freeciv-client-2.3.4p0 Freeciv client
freeciv-server-2.3.4p1 Civilization clone for X11; multiplayer; game server
frogatto-1.3.20130317p0 2D adventure platformer game
frozen-bubble-2.2.0p9 bubble popping game, like puzzle bobble
generaluser-gs-soundfont-1.44 GM and GS compatible SoundFont bank for MIDI
glew-1.10.0         GL Extension Wrangler library
gmake-4.0p0         GNU make
gxemul-    ARM/M88k/MIPS/PowerPC/SuperH machines emulator
irrlamb-0.1.1       third person, 3D physics game
jag-0.3.2           arcade-puzzle game
love-0.8.0p4        2D games framework for use with Lua
marathon-0.0.20120514 marathon one data files
marathon2-0.0.20120514 marathon two data files
marathoninfinity-0.0.20120514 marathon infinity data files
mc-          free Norton Commander clone with many useful features
meandmyshadow-0.4   puzzle/platform game
megaglest-3.7.1p2   3D real-time strategy game
midori-0.5.6        lightweight web browser
minetest-0.4.7      infinite-world block sandbox game
mplayer-20140106p3  movie player supporting many formats
naev-0.5.3          2D space trading and combat game
numptyphysics-0.3.r20100916 physics-based drawing puzzle game
oolite-1.73.4p6     space combat and trading game in the style of Elite
openarena-0.8.8p1   OpenArena client
opensonic-0.1.2p2   game based on the Sonic the Hedgehog universe
openttd-1.3.3       open source clone of the game Transport Tycoon Deluxe
pokerth-1.0         texas hold'em poker game with online capabilities
puzzles-9534p0      collection of puzzles games
quirks-1.113        exceptions to pkg_add rules
radeondrm-firmware-20131002p0 firmware binary images for radeondrm(4) driver
redeclipse-1.4p2    redeclipse client
rftg-0.8.1p1        race for the galaxy card game
roadfighter-1.0.1269p0 remake of Konami's Road Fighter
rocksndiamonds- maze game resembling boulderdash
sdl-image-1.2.12p1  SDL image library
sdl-mixer-1.2.12p2  SDL multi-channel audio mixer library
sdl-ttf-2.0.11p0    SDL TrueType fonts library
simh-3.9.0p1        PDP, IBM 1401, Nova and other CPUs simulator
starlanes-1.2.2     classic space-age stock trading game
stellarium-0.12.4   free open source planetarium
stone-soup-0.11.0   dungeon crawl stone soup
supertuxkart-0.8.1  kart racing game with OSS mascots
ufoai-2.4           squad-based tactical strategy game
uqm-0.7.0p1v0       ur-quan masters: sdl port of star control 2; multiplayer
uqm-remix1-0.7.0p1v0 ur-quan masters: remix pack number one
uqm-voice-0.7.0p1v0 ur-quan masters: speech content
valyriatear-0.6.0p0 free J-RPG game
vectoroids-1.1.0p0  vector-based, pretty, Asteroids clone
warmux-11.04.1p2    free software clone of Worms(R) game concept
warzone2100-3.1.0p0 3D realtime strategy on a future earth
wesnoth-1.10.7      fantasy turn-based strategy game
widelands-0.11p3    economic and military simulation game
xfce-4.10p0         Xfce desktop meta-package (base installation)
xfce4-xkb-0.5.6     Xfce4 xkb layout switcher panel plugin
zsdx-1.7.1          fan made Zelda game for Solarus engine
ztrack-1.0          ncurses based pseudo-3D driving game