[>] Apple Shakes Up AI Executive Ranks in Bid to Turn Around Siri
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 20:22:01

Apple is undergoing a rare shake-up of its executive ranks, aiming to get its artificial intelligence efforts back on track after months of delays and stumbles, Bloomberg News reported Thursday, citing people familiar with the matter. From the report: Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook has lost confidence in the ability of AI head John Giannandrea to execute on product development, so he's moving over another top executive to help: Vision Pro creator Mike Rockwell. In a new role, Rockwell will be in charge of the Siri virtual assistant, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because the moves haven't been announced.

Rockwell will report to software chief Craig Federighi, removing Siri completely from Giannandrea's command. Apple is poised to announce the changes to employees this week. The iPhone maker's senior leaders -- a group known as the Top 100 -- just met at a secretive, annual offsite gathering to discuss the future of the company. Its AI efforts were a key talking point at the summit, Bloomberg News has reported.

The moves underscore the plight facing Apple: Its AI technology is severely lagging industry rivals, and the company has shown little sign of catching up. The Apple Intelligence platform was late to arrive and largely a flop, despite being the main selling point for the iPhone 16. Further reading: 'Something Is Rotten in the State of Cupertino'

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Гибриды — двигатель эволюции? | Ученые против мифов 23-11 | Сергей Глаголев
BotYouTube(tgi,4) — All
2025-03-20 19:20:03

Опубликовано: 2025-03-20T14:37:02+00:00

Гибриды не могут давать плодовитое потомство? Как могли смешиваться неандертальцы и сапиенсы? В природе почти не бывает гибридизации? Может ли гибридизация привести к образованию новых видов?

[>] BLAKE3 1.7.0
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 19:44:04

18 марта состоялся выпуск 1.7.0 библиотек [ BLAKE3 ]( ) , реализующих криптографический алгоритм хеширования [ BLAKE3 ]( ) на языках C и Rust, и распространяемых как общественное достояние или по лицензии Apache 2.0.

Проектом также предоставляется консольная утилита b3sum, написанная на языке Rust.

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[>] Is Dark Energy Getting Weaker? New Evidence Strengthens the Case.
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 19:22:01

Cosmologists have uncovered stronger evidence that dark energy -- the mysterious force accelerating cosmic expansion -- may be weakening over time. The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) collaboration presented their latest findings at the Global Physics Summit in Anaheim, California, reinforcing their preliminary results from last year.

The DESI team analyzed data from approximately 15 million galaxies collected over three years, more than doubling their previous dataset of 6 million galaxies. Combined with supernova observations and cosmic microwave background data, their analysis shows a 4.2-sigma deviation from the standard Lambda-CDM cosmological model, which assumes dark energy remains constant.

"We are much more certain than last year that this is definitely a thing," said Seshadri Nadathur of the University of Portsmouth, a key DESI researcher. These findings align with recent independent results from the Dark Energy Survey (DES), which earlier this month reported a similar 3.2-sigma tension with Lambda-CDM -- a tension that disappears if dark energy is allowed to vary. If confirmed, evolving dark energy could fundamentally alter cosmologists' understanding of the universe's ultimate fate. Instead of expanding indefinitely until all particles become impossibly separated, the universe might follow alternative trajectories.

"It challenges the fate of the universe," explained Mustapha Ishak-Boushaki from the University of Texas at Dallas. "It's game-changing." Moreover, these findings challenge the simplest explanation of dark energy as vacuum energy, which quantum physics suggests should remain constant. Instead, the results indicate unknown physics, possibly involving a new particle, a modification to Einstein's theory of gravity, or even a new fundamental theory. DESI will continue observing through 2026, eventually producing a final map expected to include 50 million galaxies, potentially providing definitive evidence for this cosmic paradigm shift.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Pebble Founder Warns of Limited iPhone Compatibility for Revived Smartwatch
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 18:22:01

Pebble founder Eric Migicovsky has warned that the company's revived smartwatch line will face significant functionality limitations when paired with iPhones, blaming Apple's restrictive policies that favor its own Apple Watch. "It's impossible for a 3rd party smartwatch to send text messages, or perform actions on notifications (like dismissing, muting, replying) and many, many other things," Migicovsky wrote in a blog post, adding that the situation has "actually gotten worse over the last 8 years."

A 2024 class action lawsuit cited in the post claims Apple has added further restrictions since iOS 13, including requiring users to display full content previews on their lock screens for notifications to reach third-party watches. Pebble is still developing an iOS app because 40% of potential customers use iPhones, he said. Migicovsky warned that the watch will "always appear to have less developed functionality on iOS than Android" and some features will arrive on Android first.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] 'There Are Two Kinds of Credit Cards'
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 17:22:01

The credit-card market has quietly split in two, Atlantic argues in a new story: one offering generous benefits to wealthy Americans, the other offering expensive debt to the poor. Credit-card balances have reached an all-time high of $1.2 trillion, with serious delinquency rates climbing to their highest point since the Great Recession.

"Transactors" pay off balances monthly and earn valuable rewards worth up to $3,000 annually in taxable income equivalent, while "revolvers" carry balances at a brutal 21.5% average APR. The poor subsidize the rich through two mechanisms: swipe fees that drive up retail prices by $1,700 annually for the average family, and late fees and interest charges that finance rewards programs. Interest revenue for credit-card companies has ballooned from $76 billion in 2020 to $170 billion in 2024.

The economy now appears to be slowing down. High-income families are increasingly resembling working-class families in credit data, with three in five households earning over $80,000 annually carrying balances for more than a year. Card companies are now offering fewer cards to subprime borrowers, creating a troubling dilemma - while expensive credit cards are harmful, having no credit access might be worse. Bipartisan legislation now aims to cap interest rates and lower swipe fees.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Git 2.49
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 16:44:04

14 марта, после двух месяцев разработки, состоялся выпуск 2.49 распределённой системы управления версиями Git, написанной на языке C и распространяемой по лицензии GNU GPL 2.

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>>> [ Основные изменения в блоге GitHub ]( )

[>] Браузер Chrome переведён на шрифтовой движок Skrifa, написанный на Rust
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 16:44:02

Компания Google перевела браузер Chrome на библиотеку Skrifa, написанную на языке Rust и предоставляющую возможности для обработки шрифтов в формате OpenType. Skrifa реализует подмножество возможностей шрифтового движка FreeType, необходимое для 2D-библиотеки Skia, применяемой в Chrome и Chromium. Для избавления библиотеки Skia от привязки к движку FreeType создан новый шрифтовой бэкенд, основанный на Skrifa.

[>] Microsoft Developing Windows 11 Feature To Explain Hardware Performance Issues
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 15:22:01

Microsoft is developing a new Windows 11 feature that will explain how hardware limitations affect PC performance. The latest preview builds include a hidden FAQ section in system settings that addresses GPU memory, system RAM, and OS version impacts.

The feature, discovered by Windows observer "phantomofearth" in this week's Dev Channel build, requires manual activation. It provides specific recommendations for configurations like low RAM or GPUs with less than 4GB memory, and flags outdated Windows versions.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Релиз программы для редактирования видео LosslessCut 3.65.0
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 14:44:03

Опубликован выпуск программы LosslessCut 3.65.0, предоставляющей графический интерфейс для редактирования мультимедийных файлов без перекодирования содержимого. Наиболее востребованной функцией LosslessCut является кадрирование и обрезка видео и звука, например, для сокращения размера больших файлов, снятых на экшн-камеру или камеру квадрокоптера. LosslessCut позволяет выбрать в файле актуальные фрагменты записи и отбросить лишнее, без проведения полного перекодирования и сохранив исходное качество материала. Так как обработка выполняется путём копирования имеющихся данных, а не перекодирования, операции выполняются очень быстро. LosslessCut написан на языке JavaScript с использованием платформы Electron и является надстройкой над пакетом FFmpeg. Наработки распространяются под лицензией GPLv2. Сборки подготовлены для Linux (snap, flatpak), macOS и Windows.

[>] Выпуск miracle-wm 0.5, композитного менеджера на базе Wayland и Mir
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 13:44:03

Мэтью Косарек (Matthew Kosarek), разработчик из компании Canonical, опубликовал выпуск композитного менеджера miracle-wm 0.5, использующего протокол Wayland и компоненты для построения композитных менеджеров Mir. Miracle-wm поддерживает мозаичную (tiling) компоновку окон, схожую с аналогичной в проектах i3 и Sway. В качестве панели может применяться Waybar. Код проекта написан на языке C++ и распространяется под лицензией GPLv3. Готовые сборки сформированы в формате snap, а также в пакетах rpm и deb для Fedora и Ubuntu.

[>] Government Releases Thousands of Declassified Pages Related To JFK Assassination
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 12:22:01

The National Archives has released thousands of pages of declassified records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. From a report: The records were posted to the National Archives' website, joining recently released records posted in 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2017-2018.

"This release consists of approximately 80,000 pages of previously-classified records that will be published with no redactions," said the announcement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. "Additional documents withheld under court seal or for grand jury secrecy, and records subject to section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code, must be unsealed before release."

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Jan. 23 directing the release of all remaining records related to the assassination, saying it was in the "public interest" to do so. Tuesday's initial release contained 1,123 records comprising 32,000 pages. A subsequent release on Tuesday night contained 1,059 records comprising 31,400 additional pages.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Nvidia Not Approached for Intel Stake, CEO Says
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 10:22:01

Nvidia has not been approached about acquiring a stake in Intel, CEO Jensen Huang said on Wednesday, addressing speculation about potential semiconductor industry consolidation.

"Nobody's invited us to a consortium," Huang told reporters at Nvidia's annual developer conference. "Nobody invited me. Maybe other people are involved, but I don't know. There might be a party. I wasn't invited."

Reuters previously reported that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) had approached Nvidia, Broadcom and Advanced Micro Devices about joining a potential joint venture to operate Intel's factories. Other media outlets reported Intel was considering separating its manufacturing operations with U.S. President Donald Trump's support, potentially transferring control to a TSMC-led consortium.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] STATS 2025-03-19
root(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 11:11:01


[1] ChatGPT point=3 web=138 up=18.5MB (25%) <--- ChatGPT
[2] 45.135.180.x point=222 web=0 up=18.4MB (25%) <--- yesterlink (9/hr)
[3] 37.252.14.x point=144 web=0 up=17.7MB (24%) <--- ake (6/hr)
[4] 80.87.199.x point=67 web=0 up=6.5MB (9%) <--- tgi (3/hr)
[5] Facebook point=0 web=368 up=3.4MB (4%)
[6] Google point=9 web=389 up=2.9MB (4%) <--- Google
[7] 24.130.121.x point=20 web=0 up=1.6MB (2%) <--- spnet (1/hr)
[8] PetalBot point=213 web=349 up=1.6MB (2%) <--- PetalBot (9/hr)
[9] 217.114.158.x point=25 web=0 up=0.9MB (1%) <--- fox (1/hr)
[10] TikTok point=0 web=112 up=0.3MB (<1%)


[>] GNOME 48 Released
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 08:22:01

prisoninmate writes: GNOME 48 desktop environment has been released after six months of development with major new features that have been expected for more than four years, such as dynamic triple buffering, HDR support, and much more. 9to5Linux reports: "Highlights of GNOME 48 include dynamic triple buffering to boost the performance on low-end GPUs, such as Intel integrated graphics or Raspberry Pi computers, Wayland color management protocol support, new Adwaita fonts, HDR (High Dynamic Range) support, and a new Wellbeing feature with screen time tracking.

"GNOME 48 also introduces a new GNOME Display Control (gdctl) utility to view the active monitor configuration and set new monitor configuration using command line arguments, implements a11y keyboard monitoring support, adds output luminance settings, and it now centers new windows by default."

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] OpenAI's o1-pro is the Company's Most Expensive AI Model Yet
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 07:22:02

OpenAI has launched a more powerful version of its o1 "reasoning" AI model, o1-pro, in its developer API. From a report: According to OpenAI, o1-pro uses more computing than o1 to provide "consistently better responses." Currently, it's only available to select developers -- those who've spent at least $5 on OpenAI API services -- and it's pricey. Very pricey. OpenAI is charging $150 per million tokens (~750,000 words) fed into the model and $600 per million tokens generated by the model. That's twice the price of OpenAI's GPT-4.5 for input and 10x the price of regular.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Онлайн-вечеринка «виртПиво 0xE» — сегодня в 10 вечера по Москве!
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 06:44:04

Дорогие друзья, я приглашаю вас на 14'е международное онлайн-«виртПиво» которое состоится сегодня! Эта встреча — отличная возможность обсудить опенсорсные прошивки/железо и провести увлекательный познавательный вечер за чашкой ☕☕ в приятной компании.

Первая часть мероприятия, чуть более нишевая — «Dasharo User Group (DUG)» — посвящена экосистеме Dasharo, форка опенсорсной прошивки coreboot для ПК c дополнительными возможностями вроде удобного пользовательского интерфейса и функции перепрошивки БИОСа с флешки. Кроме того, на ней состоится презентация нового железа с опенсорсными прошивками от компании [ NovaCustom ]( ) . Конференция DUG начинается раньше — а сразу после неё, в 10 вечера по Москве состоится опенсорс-вечеринка «виртПиво»; на ней будут свободные обсуждения любых тем, относящихся к открытому прошивкам/железу, а также несколько рассказов от наших друзей — например:

• Как самостоятельно стать удостоверяющим центром UEFI Secure Boot чтобы подписывать UEFI'шные модули ?

• Как обходить защиту Intel BootGuard («антифича» мешающая запуску опенсорсных прошивок на многих матплатах) при помощи новой утилиты Deguard?

Вам выпадает уникальная возможность пообщаться с любителями опенсорсных прошивок на столь важные, пусть и немного нишевые, темы, а также узнать больше об интересном железе, поддерживающем опенсорсные прошивки. Прошлые встречи оказались весьма увлекательными, надеюсь вам понравится и в этот раз!

Доступен и звуковой/видео, и анонимный текстовый чат — как в [ Matrix ]( ) , так и в [ Jitsi Meet ]( ) (регистрация не требуется). Язык общения/чата — английский

[>] LG Ceases XR Product Efforts
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 04:22:01

An anonymous reader shares a report: LG has ceased its XR product commercialization efforts, it confirmed, though will still continue long-term R&D.

The news of LG ending its XR product plans was first reported by South Korean news outlet The Bell, citing an industry source. In a statement given to the outlet, LG confirmed the claim but clarified that it will still continue long-term XR research and development.

According to The Bell, LG took the decision because it believes the XR market isn't growing as quickly as it expected, and it wants to focus more on heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) and robotics.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] PCI Express 7.0's Blazing Speeds Are Nearly Here, But PCIe 6 is Still Vapor
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 01:22:01

An anonymous reader shares a report: PCI Express 7 is nearing completion, the PCI Special Interest Group said, and the final specification should be released later this year. PCI Express 7, the backbone of the modern motherboard, is at the stage 0.9, which the PCI-SIG characterizes as the "final draft" of the specification. The technology was at version 0.5 a year ago, almost to the day, and originally authored in 2022.

The situation remains the same, however. While modern PC motherboards are stuck on PCI Express 5.0, the specification itself moves ahead. PCI Express has doubled the data rate about every three years, from 64 gigtransfers per second in PCI Express 6.0 to the upcoming 128 gigatransfers per second in PCIe 7. (Again, it's worth noting that PCIe 6.0 exists solely on paper.) Put another way, PCIe 7 will deliver 512GB/s in both directions, across a x16 connection.

It's worth noting that the PCI-SIG doesn't see PCI Express 7 living inside the PC market, at least not initially. Instead, PCIe 7 is expected to be targeted at cloud computing, 800-gigabit Ethernet and, of course, artificial intelligence. It will be backwards-compatible with the previous iterations of PCI Express, the SIG said.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Plex Raises Premium Subscription Prices for First Time in Decade
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 00:22:02

Streaming service provider Plex announced Wednesday its first price increase in a decade for its premium Plex Pass subscription, raising monthly rates to $6.99 from $4.99, yearly subscriptions to $69.99 from $39.99, and lifetime access to $249.99 from $119.99, effective April 29. The company is also making remote playback of personal media a paid feature, introducing a Remote Watch Pass subscription at $1.99 monthly or $19.99 annually for users who don't need full Plex Pass features, and removing its one-time mobile activation fee.

The price increase applies to new and existing subscriptions, with the exception of existing Lifetime Plex Pass holders, the company said.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Выпуск среды рабочего стола GNOME 48
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-20 00:44:03

После шести месяцев разработки представлен выпуск среды рабочего стола GNOME 48. Для быстрой оценки возможностей GNOME 48 предложены специализированные Live-сборки на основе openSUSE и установочной образ, подготовленный в рамках инициативы GNOME OS. GNOME 48 также уже включён в состав экспериментальных сборок Ubuntu 25.04 и Fedora 42.

[>] EU Orders Apple To Open Ecosystem To Rivals
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 23:22:01

EU antitrust regulators ordered Apple on Wednesday to open its closed ecosystem to competitors, detailing how the company must comply with the bloc's Digital Markets Act or face potential fines. The European Commission's decision comes six months after initiating proceedings against the tech giant.

The first order requires Apple to grant rival smartphone, headphone and VR headset manufacturers access to its technology for seamless connectivity with Apple devices. A second order establishes specific processes for responding to app developers' interoperability requests. Apple criticized the decision, saying: "Today's decisions wrap us in red tape, slowing down Apple's ability to innovate for users in Europe." EU antitrust chief Teresa Ribera countered: "We are simply implementing the law." Non-compliance could trigger investigations resulting in fines up to 10% of Apple's global annual sales.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] AI Crawlers Haven't Learned To Play Nice With Websites
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 22:22:01

SourceHut, an open-source-friendly git-hosting service, says web crawlers for AI companies are slowing down services through their excessive demands for data. From a report: "SourceHut continues to face disruptions due to aggressive LLM crawlers," the biz reported Monday on its status page. "We are continuously working to deploy mitigations. We have deployed a number of mitigations which are keeping the problem contained for now. However, some of our mitigations may impact end-users."

SourceHut said it had deployed Nepenthes, a tar pit to catch web crawlers that scrape data primarily for training large language models, and noted that doing so might degrade access to some web pages for users. "We have unilaterally blocked several cloud providers, including GCP [Google Cloud] and [Microsoft] Azure, for the high volumes of bot traffic originating from their networks," the biz said, advising administrators of services that integrate with SourceHut to get in touch to arrange an exception to the blocking.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] More Than 150 'Unprecedented' Climate Disasters Struck World in 2024, Says UN
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 21:22:01

The devastating impacts of the climate crisis reached new heights in 2024, with scores of unprecedented heatwaves, floods and storms across the globe, according to the UN's World Meteorological Organization. From a report: The WMO's report on 2024, the hottest year on record, sets out a trail of destruction from extreme weather that took lives, demolished buildings and ravaged vital crops. More than 800,000 people were displaced and made homeless, the highest yearly number since records began in 2008.

The report lists 151 unprecedented extreme weather events in 2024, meaning they were worse than any ever recorded in the region. Heatwaves in Japan left hundreds of thousands of people struck down by heatstroke. Soaring temperatures during heatwaves peaked at 49.9C at Carnarvon in Western Australia, 49.7C in the city of Tabas in Iran, and 48.5C in a nationwide heatwave in Mali.

Record rains in Italy led to floods, landslides and electricity blackouts; torrents destroyed thousands of homes in Senegal; and flash floods in Pakistan and Brazil caused major crop losses.

Storms were also supercharged by global heating in 2024, with an unprecedented six typhoons in under a month hitting the Philippines. Hurricane Helene was the strongest ever recorded to strike the Big Bend region of Florida in the US, while Vietnam was hit by Super Typhoon Yagi, affecting 3.6 million people. Many more unprecedented events will have passed unrecorded.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Выпуск Java SE 24 и OpenJDK 24
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 20:44:03

После шести месяцев разработки компания Oracle опубликовала платформу Java SE 24 (Java Platform, Standard Edition 24), в качестве эталонной реализации которой используется открытый проект OpenJDK. За исключением удаления некоторых устаревших возможностей в Java SE 24 сохранена обратная совместимость с прошлыми выпусками платформы Java - большинство ранее написанных Java-проектов без изменений будут работоспособны при запуске под управлением новой версии. Готовые для установки сборки Java SE 24 (JDK, JRE и Server JRE) подготовлены для Linux (x86_64, AArch64), Windows (x86_64) и macOS (x86_64, AArch64). Разработанная в рамках проекта OpenJDK эталонная реализация Java SE 24 полностью открыта под лицензией GPLv2 с исключениями GNU ClassPath, разрешающими динамическое связывание с коммерческими продуктами.

[>] FedEx Data Scraping and Telecom Insider Bribes Powered Nationwide iPhone Theft Operation
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 20:22:02

Federal authorities have broken up an international crime ring that stole thousands of iPhones from porches nationwide [non-paywalled link], arresting 13 people last month after a sophisticated operation that combined high-tech tools with old-fashioned bribery.

The thieves created software to scrape FedEx tracking numbers and paid AT&T store employees to provide customer order details and delivery addresses, according to WSJ, which cites prosecutors. Armed with this information, runners intercepted packages at doorsteps moments after delivery.

Demetrio Reyes Martinez, known online as "CookieNerd," developed code that circumvented FedEx limits on delivery-data requests, while AT&T employee Alejandro Then Castillo used his credentials to track hundreds of shipments and reportedly received up to $2,500 for recruiting other employees. Stolen devices were funneled through Wyckoff Wireless in Brooklyn, a store owned by Joel Suriel, who was already on supervised release from a previous wire-fraud conviction. The merchandise was then shipped overseas for sale and activation.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Microsoft Quantum Computing Claim Still Lacks Evidence
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 20:22:02

Nature: A Microsoft researcher [this week] presented results behind the company's controversial claim last month to have created the first 'topological' qubits -- a long-sought goal of quantum computing. In front of a packed room at a meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Chetan Nayak, a theoretical physicist leading Microsoft's quantum computing effort in Redmond, Washington, explained how the company is developing topological qubits, which would be the building blocks for a noise-resistant quantum computer.

Physicists in the audience told Nature's news team they are still unsure whether Microsoft really has made the first topological qubits, however. "It's a hard problem," says Ali Yazdani, an experimental physicist at Princeton University in New Jersey. To anyone trying to make topological qubits, he says, "good luck." When Nayak displayed measurement data during his presentation, he acknowledged that a characteristic signal was difficult to see due to electrical noise, prompting Cornell University theorist Eun-Ah Kim to question its robustness. Microsoft says additional details will be available in a forthcoming paper on the arXiv preprint server.

Further reading:
Scientists Question Microsoft's Quantum Computing Claims;
Microsoft Quantum Computing 'Breakthrough' Faces Fresh Challenge

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] TinyXML2 10.1.0 и 11.0.0
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 18:44:04

9 и 16 марта, после более года разработки, состоялись выпуски 10.1.0 и 11.0.0 небольшой, простой и эффективной C++ библиотеки [ TinyXML2 ]( ) , предназначенной для парсинга XML и распространяемой по лицензии Zlib.

Список изменений:

• Устранена уязвимость [ CVE-2024-50615 ]( ) , связанная с проблемой разбора кодировок символов.

• Исправлены некоторые внутренние типы (int -> size_t), в связи с чем нарушена совместимость c ABI прежних версий.

• Исправлены ошибки сборки и опечатки.

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[>] Sony Unveils RGB LED Backlight Tech That Outperforms Traditional Mini LED
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 18:22:01

Sony has developed a new TV display technology combining individual red, green, and blue LEDs for backlighting, potentially offering a middle ground between existing Mini LED and OLED panels. Dubbed "General RGB LED Backlight Technology," the system enables precise color control without sacrificing brightness, reaching 4000 cd/m2 -- matching Sony's professional reference monitors.

Unlike conventional Mini LED TVs that use arrays of blue LEDs, Sony's RGB implementation delivers significantly improved color accuracy and viewing angles. In side-by-side comparisons with Sony's premium Bravia 9 Mini LED TV, the RGB prototype displayed deeper color gradations and eliminated the characteristic bluish blooming effect around bright objects on dark backgrounds.

The technology isn't entirely novel, the Verge reports -- Sony released a Qualia TV with RGB backlighting in 2004 and demonstrated "Crystal LED" prototypes in 2012. Competitors including Hisense, TCL, and Samsung are developing similar systems. While the RGB LED prototype outshone Sony's QD-OLED A95L in brightness, differences in color reproduction were less pronounced. The technology appears particularly promising for larger displays in bright environments where OLED's limitations become apparent.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Five Charged In European Parliament Huawei Bribery Probe
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 17:22:01

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: The Belgian prosecutor's office said on Tuesday that it has charged five people in connection with a bribery investigation in the European Parliament allegedly linked to China's Huawei. The five were detained last week. Four have now been arrested and charged with active corruption and involvement in a criminal organization, while a fifth faces money laundering charges and has been released conditionally. The prosecutor's officer did not disclose the names of those involved or give information that could identify them.

It said new searches had taken place on Monday, this time at European Parliament offices. Huawei said last week it took the allegations seriously. "Huawei has a zero tolerance policy towards corruption or other wrongdoing, and we are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations at all times," it said. The prosecutors have said the alleged corruption took place "very discreetly" since 2021 under the guise of commercial lobbying and involved payments for taking certain political stances or excessive gifts such as food and travel expenses or regular invitations to football matches.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Плагин scratchpad для neovim
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 16:44:05

В поисках плагина для временных заметок перебрал множество существующих, но не нашёл ничего, что подходит под мои задачи.

Что я хотел:

• Легковесность.

• Floating-окно.

• Подсветка синтаксиса markdown.

• Корректная реакция на :close, :bd, :bw.

• Корректная реакция на попытку открыть буфер с помощью fzf-lua в окне scratchpad.

• Поддержка изменений размера окна neovim и/или размера шрифта в терминале.

Подобная функциональность есть в свежем плагине [ snacks.nvim ]( ) от неподражаемого [ folke ]( ) . Но snacks.nvim – это комбайн, с функциональностью, которая мне совсем не нужна.

Плагин писался для себя лично и тех, кто пользуется моим конфигом [ config-nvim ]( ) и [ config-tmux ]( ) . Возможно, он окажется полезным и вам.

[>] Представлены две модели умных часов на открытой платформе PebbleOS
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 16:44:03

Эрик Мигиковски (Eric Migicovsky), основатель компании Pebble Technology, представил две новые модели умных часов, которые будут выпускаться на базе открытой платформы PebbleOS. Новые модели полностью совместимы с приложениями и темами оформления, разработанными для старых часов Pebble. Устройства являются усовершенствованными вариантами ранее выпускаемых часов Pebble 2 и Pebble Time 2, и отличаются увеличением автономной работы с 7 до 30 дней, громкоговорителем, иным вибросигналом, улучшенными кнопками, датчиками давления и магнитного поля.

[>] The Effect of Application Fees on Entry into Patenting
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 14:22:01

The abstract of a paper published on National Bureau of Economic Research: Ensuring broad access to the patent system is crucial for fostering innovation and promoting economic growth. To support this goal, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office offers reduced fees for small and micro entities. This paper investigates whether fee rates affect the filing of applications by small and micro entities. Exploiting recent fee reforms, the study evaluates the relationship between fee changes and the number of new entrants, controlling for potential confounding factors such as legislative changes. The findings suggest that fee reductions alone are insufficient to significantly increase participation in the patent system among small and micro entities.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] GIMP 3.0
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 13:44:05

16 марта, после семи лет активной разработки, состоялся значительный выпуск 3.0 графического редактора [ GIMP ]( ) . Несмотря на то, что изначально основное внимание уделялось обновлению библиотеки графического интерфейса, этот релиз содержит множество новых функций и улучшений.

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[>] Производительность Ubuntu-пакета jq удалось увеличить в 1.9 раза путём пересборки
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 13:44:03

Опубликованы результаты оценки влияния на производительность пересборки пакетов для Ubuntu с различными опциями и реализациями функций выделения памяти. Экспериментатору удалось на 90% (в 1.9 раза) повысить производительность пакета jq с инструментарием для обработки данных в формате JSON, путём обычной пересборки из того же пакета с исходным кодом, без внесения изменений в сам код. Производительность оценивалась через измерение времени выполнения типового фильтрующего запроса над данными GeoJSON, размером 500МБ.

[>] Проект SDL3Lite развивает версию библиотеки SDL3 с поддержкой старых систем
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 12:44:03

Проект SDL3Lite нацелен на воссоздание библиотеки SDL3 с поддержкой старых архитектур и операционных систем, при сохранении совместимости с SDL3 на уровне C API. С ограниченной функциональностью SDL3Lite уже поддерживает работу в Linux, начиная с Debian 3, и Windows, начиная с Windows 95. Из системных требований для работы графического API заявлена поддержка OpenGL 1.0, а 2D-отрисовки - OpenGL 1.2. В будущем автор планирует добавить поддержку Windows 3.1 и MS-DOS. Код написан на С++ и распространяется под лицензией BSL (Boost Software License).

[>] Выпуск платформы OpenSilver 3.2, продолжающей развитие технологии Silverlight
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 12:44:03

Представлен выпуск проекта OpenSilver 3.2, продолжающего развитие платформы Silverlight и позволяющего создавать интерактивные web-приложения при помощи технологий C#, F#, XAML и .NET. Скомпилированные при помощи OpenSilver приложения Silverlight могут работать в любых настольных и мобильных браузерах с поддержкой WebAssembly. Для разработки могут использоваться среда Visual Studio и редактор кода VS Code, поддерживающий работу в Windows, macOS и Linux. Код проекта написан на языке C# и распространяется под лицензией MIT.

[>] Nvidia Says 'the Age of Generalist Robotics Is Here'
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 11:22:01

During the company's GTC 2025 keynote today, Nvidia founder and CEO Jensen Huang announced Isaac GR00T N1 -- the company's first open-source, pre-trained yet customizable foundation model designed to accelerate the development and capabilities of humanoid robots. "The age of generalist robotics is here," said Huang. "With Nvidia Isaac GR00T N1 and new data-generation and robot-learning frameworks, robotics developers everywhere will open the next frontier in the age of AI." The Verge reports: Huang demonstrated 1X's NEO Gamma humanoid robot performing autonomous tidying jobs using a post-trained policy built on the GR00T N1 model. [...] Other companies developing humanoid robots who have had early access to the GR00T N1 model include Boston Dynamics, the creators of Atlas; Agility Robotics; Mentee Robotics; and Neura Robotics. Originally announced as Project GR00T a year ago, the GR00T N1 foundation model utilizes a dual-system architecture inspired by human cognition.

System 1, as Nvidia calls it, is described as a "fast-thinking action model" that behaves similarly to human reflexes and intuition. It was trained on data collected through human demonstrations and synthetic data generated by Nvidia's Omniverse platform. System 2, which is powered by a vision language model, is a "slow-thinking model" that "reasons about its environment and the instructions it has received to plan actions." Those plans are passed along to System 1, which translates them into "precise, continuous robot movements" that include grasping, moving objects with one or two arms, as well as more complex multistep tasks that involve combinations of basic skills.

While the GR00T N1 foundation model is pretrained with generalized humanoid reasoning and skills, developers can customize its behavior and capabilities for specific needs by post-training it with data gathered from human demonstrations or simulations. Nvidia has made GR00T N1 training data and task evaluation scenarios available for download through Hugging Face and GitHub.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Выпуск дистрибутива elementary OS 8.0.1
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 11:44:03

Опубликован выпуск дистрибутива elementary OS 8.0.1, позиционируемого в качестве быстрой, открытой и заботящейся о конфиденциальности альтернативы Windows и macOS. Основное внимание в проекте уделяется качественному дизайну, нацеленному на создание простой в использовании системы, потребляющей минимальные ресурсы и обеспечивающей высокую скорость запуска. Пользователям предлагается собственное окружение рабочего стола Pantheon. Для загрузки подготовлены загрузочные iso-образы (3.3 ГБ), доступные для архитектуры amd64 (для бесплатной загрузки с сайта проекта в поле с суммой пожертвования необходимо ввести 0).

[>] STATS 2025-03-18
root(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 11:11:01


[1] 45.135.180.x point=218 web=0 up=18.0MB (36%) <--- yesterlink (9/hr)
[2] 37.252.14.x point=144 web=0 up=17.7MB (35%) <--- ake (6/hr)
[3] 80.87.199.x point=66 web=0 up=6.4MB (12%) <--- tgi (3/hr)
[4] 24.130.121.x point=26 web=4 up=2.1MB (4%) <--- spnet (1/hr)
[5] Facebook point=0 web=249 up=1.8MB (3%)
[6] PetalBot point=284 web=358 up=1.5MB (2%) <--- PetalBot (12/hr)
[7] 217.114.158.x point=26 web=0 up=1.0MB (1%) <--- fox (1/hr)
[8] Google point=2 web=146 up=0.6MB (1%) <--- Google
[9] TikTok point=0 web=110 up=0.3MB (<1%)
[10] 69.48.204.x point=0 web=1 up=39KB


[>] Обновление Firefox 136.0.2. Новые требования Mozilla к удостоверяющим центрам
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 09:44:03

Доступен корректирующий выпуск Firefox 136.0.2, в котором устранено несколько проблем.

[>] Researchers Engineer Bacteria To Produce Plastics
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 08:22:01

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: [A] team of Korean researchers [describe] how they've engineered a bacterial strain that can make a useful polymer starting with nothing but glucose as fuel. The system they developed is based on an enzyme that the bacteria use when they're facing unusual nutritional conditions, and it can be tweaked to make a wide range of polymers. The researchers focused on the system bacterial cells use for producing polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). These chemicals are formed when the bacterial cells continue to have a good supply of carbon sources and energy, but they lack some other key nutrients needed to grow and divide. Under these circumstances, the cell will link together small molecules that contain a handful of carbons, forming a much larger polymer. When nutritional conditions improve, the cell can simply break down the polymer and use the individual molecules it contained.

The striking thing about this system is that it's not especially picky about the identity of the molecules it links into the polymer. So far, over 150 different small molecules have been found incorporated into PHAs. It appears that the enzyme that makes the polymer, PHA synthase, only cares about two things: whether the molecule can form an ester bond (PHAs are polyesters), and whether it can be linked to a molecule that's commonly used as an intermediate in the cell's biochemistry, Coenzyme A. Normally, PHA synthase forms links between molecules that run through an oxygen atom. But it's also possible to form a related chemical link that instead runs through a nitrogen atom, like those found on amino acids. There were no known enzymes, however, that catalyze these reactions. So, the researchers decided to test whether any existing enzymes could be induced to do something they don't normally do. [...]

Overall, the system they develop is remarkably flexible, able to incorporate a huge range of chemicals into a polymer. This should allow them to tune the resulting plastic across a wide range of properties. And, considering the bonds were formed via enzyme, the resulting polymer will almost certainly be biodegradable. There are, however, some negatives. The process doesn't allow complete control over what gets incorporated into the polymer. You can bias it toward a specific mix of amino acids or other chemicals, but you can't entirely stop the enzyme from incorporating random chemicals from the cell's metabolism into the polymer at some level. There's also the issue of purifying the polymer from all the rest of the cell components before incorporating it into manufacturing. Production is also relatively slow compared to large-scale industrial production. The findings have been published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Новая стабильная версия браузера Vivaldi 7.2
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 08:44:03

Состоялся релиз проприетарного браузера Vivaldi 7.2, разрабатываемого на базе движка Chromium бывшими разработчиками движка Opera Presto. Сборки Vivaldi подготовлены для Linux, Windows и macOS. Изменения, вносимые в кодовую базу Chromium, проект распространяет под открытой лицензией. Интерфейс браузера написан на языке JavaScript с использованием библиотеки React, платформы Node.js, Browserify и различных готовых NPM-модулей. Реализация интерфейса доступна в исходных текстах, но под проприетарной лицензией.

[>] Italian Newspaper Says It Has Published World's First AI-Generated Edition
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 06:22:01

Italian newspaper Il Foglio claims to have published the world's first entirely AI-generated edition as part of a month-long experiment to explore AI's impact on journalism. The special four-page supplement, available in print and online, features AI-written articles, headlines, and reader letters. The only thing the human journalists provided were prompts. The Guardian reports: The front page of the first edition of Il Foglio AI carries a story referring to the US president, Donald Trump, describing the "paradox of Italian Trumpians" and how they rail against "cancel culture" yet either turn a blind eye, or worse, "celebrate" when "their idol in the US behaves like the despot of a banana republic." The front page also features a column headlined "Putin, the 10 betrayals," with the article highlighting "20 years of broken promises, torn-up agreements and words betrayed" by Vladimir Putin, the Russian president.

In a rare upbeat story about the Italian economy, another article points to the latest report from Istat, the national statistics agency, on the redistribution of income, which shows the country "is changing, and not for the worse" with salary increases for about 750,000 workers being among the positive effects of income tax reforms. On page 2 is a story about "situationships" and how young Europeans are fleeing steady relationships. The articles were structured, straightforward and clear, with no obvious grammatical errors. However, none of the articles published in the news pages directly quote any human beings.

The final page runs AI-generated letters from readers to the editor, with one asking whether AI will render humans "useless" in the future. "AI is a great innovation, but it doesn't yet know how to order a coffee without getting the sugar wrong," reads the AI-generated response.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Microsoft Isn't Fixing 8-Year-Old Shortcut Exploit Abused For Spying
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 06:22:01

Trend Micro uncovered an eight-year-long spying campaign exploiting a Windows vulnerability involving malicious .LNK shortcut files, which attackers padded with whitespace to conceal commands. Despite being reported to Microsoft in 2023, the company considers it a UI issue rather than a security risk and has not prioritized a fix. The Register reports: The attack method is low-tech but effective, relying on malicious .LNK shortcut files rigged with commands to download malware. While appearing to point to legitimate files or executables, these shortcuts quietly include extra instructions to fetch or unpack and attempt to run malicious payloads. Ordinarily, the shortcut's target and command-line arguments would be clearly visible in Windows, making suspicious commands easy to spot. But Trend's Zero Day Initiative said it observed North Korea-backed crews padding out the command-line arguments with megabytes of whitespace, burying the actual commands deep out of sight in the user interface.

Trend reported this to Microsoft in September last year and estimates that it has been used since 2017. It said it had found nearly 1,000 tampered .LNK files in circulation but estimates the actual number of attacks could have been higher. "This is one of many bugs that the attackers are using, but this is one that is not patched and that's why we reported it as a zero day," Dustin Childs, head of threat awareness at the Zero Day Initiative, told The Register. "We told Microsoft but they consider it a UI issue, not a security issue. So it doesn't meet their bar for servicing as a security update, but it might be fixed in a later OS version, or something along those lines."

After poring over malicious .LNK samples, the security shop said it found the vast majority of these files were from state-sponsored attackers (around 70 percent), used for espionage or information theft, with another 20 percent going after financial gain. Among the state-sponsored crews, 46 percent of attacks came from North Korea, while Russia, Iran, and China each accounted for around 18 percent of the activity.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Gavin Newsom Is Reportedly Sending Burner Phones To Tech CEOs
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 05:22:01

According to Politico, Gov. Gavin Newsom has distributed prepaid burner phones to around 100 California business leaders, giving them direct access to him and reinforcing his pro-business stance. "If you ever need anything, I'm a phone call away," read one of the notes. From the report: It was Newsom's idea, a representative said, and has already yielded some "valuable interactions." That arrangement surprised some people POLITICO spoke with, largely because Newsom is already known as an inveterate texter whose digits live in many business titans' contacts. He's also long been seen as more aligned with business interests than the Legislature, the proverbial adult in the room when private pillars like Silicon Valley need a sympathetic ear or a veto. But Newsom wanted to convey that he's intent on maintaining California's competitive edge. Phones are still going out.

The California Protocol Foundation picked up the tab. That organization gets money from businesses and nonprofits for gubernatorial expenses like trips abroad -- or, evidently, burner phones -- so taxpayers aren't on the hook. It also drew leftover funds from Newsom's inauguration account, which itself drew business, so in a roundabout way California's private sector helped fund phones nurturing ties with the private sector.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Браузер Vivaldi 7.2 для десктопов
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 04:44:04

Сегодня состоялся выпуск очередной стабильной версии браузера Vivaldi 7.2 от бывших разработчиков Opera Presto. В данном выпуске разработчики уделили много внимания как повышению скорости работы самого браузера, так и добавлению опций, повышающих скорость взаимодействия пользователей с браузером.
В частности, в новой версии были отмечены следующие изменения:

Был полностью переработан выпадающий список адресной строки, включающий поисковые запросы, закладки, ранее введённые адреса и прочие данные. Помимо этого была оптимизирована обработка скорости поиска запрашиваемых доменов, что позволило значительно увеличить скорость загрузки страниц.

В настройки быстрых клавиш добавлен новый раздел для рабочих пространств, позволяющий назначать комбинации клавиш для действий с пространствами.

В настройках клавиатуры появился список приоритета команд, который позволяет сохранить за браузером указанные комбинации клавиш, даже если сайт может пытаться их использовать.

Во встроенном почтовом клиенте также произошли изменения – теперь можно создавать из полученного сообщения задачу или событие календаря прямо из контекстного меню. Дополнительно была добавлена опция ручной сортировки почтовых учётных записей в списке.

Браузер распространяется бесплатно под закрытой лицензией, но исходный код доступен для изучения на сайте разработчиков.

[>] US Music Streaming Tops 100 Million Subscribers; Vinyl Outsells CDs For Third Year
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 04:22:01

U.S. music streaming services surpassed 100 million subscribers in 2024 [PDF] while industry revenue hit a record $14.9 billion, up 4% from the previous year, according to the Record Industry Association of America (RIAA).

Physical media sales outpaced digital growth, with vinyl records increasing 7% to $1.4 billion, outselling CDs ($541 million) for the third consecutive year. Digital downloads plummeted 14.9%, now representing just 2% of industry revenue.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] Starliner Astronauts Return To Earth After More Than 9 Months In Space
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 04:22:01

NASA's SpaceX Crew-9 has returned to Earth safely after a stay of more than nine months aboard the International Space Station. The crew remained in space longer than expected due to issues with Boeing's Starliner capsule, which was originally scheduled to bring them home sooner.

While the mission has been politically fraught, the astronauts said in a rare space-to-earth interview last month that they were neither stranded nor abandoned. "That's been the rhetoric. That's been the narrative from day one: stranded, abandoned, stuck -- and I get it. We both get it," [NASA astronaut Butch] Wilmore said. "But that is, again, not what our human spaceflight program is about. We don't feel abandoned, we don't feel stuck, we don't feel stranded." Wilmore added a request: "If you'll help us change the rhetoric, help us change the narrative. Let's change it to 'prepared and committed.' That's what we prefer..." CNN has more details on the arrival: Williams and Wilmore, alongside NASA's Nick Hague and cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov of Russia's Roscosmos space agency, safely splashed down off the coast of Tallahassee, Florida at 5:57 p.m. ET. The crew's highly anticipated return came after the crew climbed aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule and departed the International Space Station at 1:05 a.m. ET. Williams, Wilmore, Hague and Gorbunov spent Tuesday morning and afternoon in orbit in the roughly 13-foot-wide (4-meter-wide), gumdrop-shaped SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft. Gradually descending, the capsule carried the astronauts from the space station, which orbits about 250 miles (400 kilometers) above Earth, toward the thick inner layer of our planet's atmosphere.

Around 5 p.m. ET, the Crew Dragon capsule began firing its engines to begin the final phase of the journey: reentry. This leg of the journey is considered the most dangerous of any flight home from space. The jarring physics of hitting the atmosphere while traveling more than 22 times the speed of sound routinely heats the exterior of returning spacecraft to more than 3,500 degrees Fahrenheit (1,926 degrees Celsius) and can trigger a communication blackout. After plunging toward home, the Crew Dragon spacecraft deployed two sets of parachutes in quick succession to further slow its descent. The capsule decelerated from orbital speeds of more than 17,000 miles per hour (27,359 kilometers per hour) to less than 20 miles per hour (32 kilometers per hour) as the vehicle hit the ocean.

After the vehicle hit the ocean, a SpaceX rescue ship waiting nearby worked to haul the spacecraft out of the water. Williams and Wilmore and their crewmates will soon exit Dragon and take their first breaths of earthly air in nine months. Medical teams will evaluate the crew's health, as is routine after astronauts return from space, before deciding next steps. Ultimately, the NASA crew members will return to their home base at Johnson Space Center in Houston. You can watch a recording of the re-entry and splashdown here.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.

[>] FTC Removes Posts Critical of Amazon, Microsoft, and AI Companies
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-03-19 03:22:01

The Federal Trade Commission has removed over 300 business guidance blogs published during former President Biden's term, including consumer protection information on AI and privacy lawsuits against Amazon and Microsoft, WIRED reported Tuesday, citing current and former FTC employees.

Deleted posts included guidance about Amazon's alleged use of Ring camera data to train algorithms, Microsoft's $20 million settlement over Xbox children's data collection, and compliance standards for AI chatbots. New FTC Chair Andrew Ferguson has pledged to pursue tech companies but with focus on alleged conservative censorship rather than data collection practices.

[ Read more of this story ]( ) at Slashdot.