[#] Новые текстовые игры - шестое ноября
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2020-11-05 22:05:24

#### Текстовые квесты

* Ugagaga — «Подземелье чёрного замка»

> Герои решили организовать экспедицию в подземелье чёрного замка и добыть сокровища.

* Ololbu — «Резец картографа (тизер)»

> Только у нашего героя начала налаживаться жизнь, как его обвинили в преступлении. Удастся ли ему доказать свою невиновность?

* PRISHELETS333 — «Боевой боец: мощь добра»

> Кликер, в котором ты-типичный герой эпохи старых видеокассет и картриджей…

* Сергей Морозов — «Карнивэр 2d20»

> РПГ, 2d20, Городское фэнтези, Нуар

#### Визуальные новеллы

* valki — «Зверский Обман / Beast Deception»

> "Зверский обман" — визуальная новелла о прошлом и будущем животных. Переосмысление традиционной китайской сказки про животных.

* DoubleVGames — «Будущее, которое мы заслужили / The future we deserve»

> Будущее без надежды и просвета, где человеческая жизнь ничего не стоит, а мораль лишь пустой звук. Именно в таком мире вам предстоит прожить один день из жизни простого человека, попавшего в не самые приятные обстоятельства.

* 69Gate — «Touhou Gensokyo Visitor»

> Идя по лесу, Рейму встречает в лесу незнакомца, теперь ей нужно понять, откуда он пришел и как прошел через барьер. Это короткая история о том, какие трудности ждут человека, попавшего в Генсоке.

* KLP Company — «Jendo: Origins»

> Комедийная история о друзьях старшеклассниках, постоянно попадающих в крайне абсурдные и нелепые ситуации.

* Mutkrakt — «The Schizophrenic Dynasty of Müller»

> В этой визуальной новелле ты — голос в головах шизофреников династии Мюллеры. Ты переходишь из поколения в поколение и управляешь своим шизофреником, иногда разговаривая с ним. Главное чтобы ваш шизофреник не умер без потомства!

Авторы игры «Комбикорм 2» приглашают игроков в соревнование по прохождению. Игра будет выпущена в середине месяца.

На следующей неделе заканчивается приём игр на конкурс «КОНТИГР-2020».

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#### IFDB

* Joanne Yuan — «Tangled Tower Tales»

> You've been trapped in here for a week already. You can't just stay in your tower and wait for your hair to grow out — it's time for you to take action.

* Nils Fagerburg — «The Curse of the Scarab»

> Archeology licenses are for suckers, not for Rhoda Tarcrew. But now the authorities are closing in and there's only time for one last dig before you have to flee the country. Better make it count.

* Mathbrush — «Duck Diary»

> Your new rubber friend will help you get through this.

* bminus7 — «RED FAST BENT»

> A few ghouls meet, make mistakes, get messy.

* Hatless — «Rat Chasm»
* Nerd Date Night — «Death Plays Battleship»

> One game of chance to save my soul.

* Paul Michael Winters — «The Long Nap»

> Sometimes it's better to not wake up from a nap.

* willitchio — «Cabin in the Forest»

> Create a character and run them through a procedurally-generated horror scenario, all guided by Pallas, goddess of creativity!

* M. Nite Chamberlain — «Ebony & Ivory's Halloween Party»

> There's only one error that can destroy an otherwise well-planned Halloween party, and it's just ruined your girlfriend's. If you can't find any gourds in the next hour, you might have to consider finding a new place to live.

* Earth Traveler — «Last Day»

> The world is about to end, and you are just a guy living on the islands of northwest Washington. What will you do on your last day?

* willitchio — «Better than Alone»

> Better than Alone is an interactive novella about repetition and death. It is set in the midst of Melbourne's 2020 lockdown. Your name is Lottie Gill-Soren. You care for Carl Quincy Durrant. And the house he lives in is haunted.

* E. Joyce — «Social Lycanthropy Disorder»

> You're a werewolf, it's Halloween, and you totally forgot that tonight is the full moon. If you're not careful, you're going to turn into a wolf in front of all your friends… but if you leave the party early, people will ask awkward questions, and that's even worse.

* Ralfe Rich — «Fracture»

> Your time is ticking. Your body is weak, but your mind is still active—until the very end.

* quackoquack — «Ritus Sacri»

> On the desk in front of you: a Latin dictionary, a blank sheet of lined paper, and the photocopied passage you need to translate for class tomorrow. You always leave things too late.

* Ryan Veeder — «Several Other Tales from Castle Balderstone»

> Third in a series of anthologies of unbelievable terror, edited by Ryan Veeder, again. Also an ECTOCOMP 2020 entry.

* «De lo que aconteció a Kanwa Tathimizu by Ruber Eaglenest»

> Una fábula sobrenatural para el día de los espíritus, inspirada por el Shodo y los Yōkai japoneses.

* Juan Antonio Paz Salgado — «La noche en la ciudad»

> Nueva mini aventura de Héctor el Inquisidor, con motivo de la ECTOCOMP 2020. Pasa una ardiente noche con Héctor y sus fantasmas del pasado.

* Cobra626 — «La noche del protector»

> La noche del Protector es una pequeña obra de ficción interactiva donde seguimos al capitán Raúl Montes, oficial del ejército sublevado durante la Guerra Civil Española, en una incursión en un pequeño pueblo del norte de Madrid.

* Ash Green — «The Narrows»

> Discover the supernatural tale of Love Lost Meg in this short choose your path interactive gay comic story

* Quantum Sheep — «The Seance»

> A Victorian Era widower attempts to contact his dead wife through the famous Medium, Madame Sousa


#### Itch

* DeeBabyGG — «Make the Right Choice»

> Simple text based game.

* Thighs — «The Woods»

> Halloween '20 Interactive Short Story

* DarcyGabriel — «Setting of the Sun»

> A short story game about the experience of dying.

* 813South — «Room 222»

> Everything in this game is not what it seems to be.

* bpielocik — «All to Get Her Now»

> A story of love, resolve and grilling!

* Natalie Watts — «Gender Lab Escape Simulator 2030»

> can you escape. the Gender Lab,,,,? if you dare….

* Vocal104 — «Depths»

> A small story about a man and what awaits him at sea.

* Fergus Doyle — «Supply Run»

> A story about buying parts for broken Mechs. Made in Twine.

* Sacha Holsnyder — «Spoopy Directory»

> File explorer horror game

* Caleb Wilson — «A Pilgrim»

> A Text Adventure

* cmrnprry — «Date N' Dash»

> A dating sim but it gets faster

* pleasureelf — «Doomsday Ball»

> Frankie hates prom night.

* pleasureelf — «Untitled Codex Game»

> Contractor is fucked over by her employer and goes missing.

* Super∴Try — «the shade between the trees»

> A horror mystery

* VioletHammer — «Bajo la escuela»

> Un trío de amigos descubre un túnel bajo la escuela y decide explorarlo. ¿Qué sorpresas les aguardan dentro?

* Mint Eye — «Halloween in Quarantine»

> Play as truant Emilia who sneaks out from her house during quarantine and meets a mysterious boy by the lake.

* Brandon Poole — «The Far Far Splendour»

> They had been long abandoned: the Twin pitching in that bright empty room; the ship pitching on the bright empty sea

* Johan Paz — «La noche en la ciudad»

> Una noche calurosa con Héctor el Inquisidor.

* Chibi_Janelle — «Subverted Expectations: A dating Sim!»

> Nobody is what they seem!

* Eyes_8 — «MASK OF TRUTH»

> Two Bros Haunt The Streets on Halloween

* mediaticos — «Fragmentos»

> Adivina el fragmento

* Lauren H — «The Pumpkin Oubliette»

> Deep spooky pumpkin dungeon, roguelike adventure.

* quackoquack — «Ritus Sacri»

> Just you, your Latin homework, and the silence of the night.

* Official-cat-gaming — «Hide the Truth — Game preview demo alpha 0.0»

> Hide the Truth — alpha 0.0

* akfedeau — «Contrition»
* tokidorito — «how to steal a fate»

> give me my life back.

* The Wandering Wizard Simon Kalimanus — «The ESPER Files: The Thirty-First»

> An interactive horror adventure using Twine

* mchamberlain — «Ebony & Ivory's Halloween Party»
* Iain Harrison — «Trick Or Treat»

> Game a day / October 31st

* P. Yoshi — «The Lion Colette»
* Silas Grarup — «Heresy (or: The Impossible Task of Herman the Recluse)»

> A horror typing game

* Team Meringue — «Strung»

> You wake up in a world that's different from what you remember. Different, and yet familiar.

* Rocío Tomé — «TwitchJa»

> Contact with the unknown forces of the Twitch Chat

* Kill2Birds — «the blood that warms these veins of ours»

> Something isn't right in Ashwood Grove.

* LipePotter — «Help-Me»

> Jogo de terror psicológico.

* Jacic — «Phantasmagoria»

> Where dreams can be more lethal than the waking world​

* ManuBashanu — «The Halloween Killings»
* ejoyce — «Social Lycanthropy Disorder»

> The only thing worse than turning into a werewolf at a party is your friends thinking you're weird for leaving early.

* DevBits — «Fracture»
* Beanway — «Mr. Pinky Needs a Shirt»

> Help Mr Pinky put on a shirt each day!

* Nils Fagerburg — «The Curse of the Scarab»

> A tale of death and treasure (and optimization)

* Angela Knife — «Angela Knife Demo»

> A psychological horror story currently in development.

* rubereaglenest — «De lo que acontenció a Kanwa Tathimizu»

> Una fábula sobrenatural para el día de los espíritus, inspirada por el Shodo y los Yōkai japoneses.

* Madhurjya Dey — «The Shepard Tone(1989)»
* Aishwarya Bhaskar — «THE MIRROR»
* Wildbriar_Games — «Duck Diary»
* Santum — «Get Boned»

> You're at a party, but oh no! You have no friends!

* Nahla — «Haikyuu Otome»
* Papeero — «Broken Timeline — Halloween Special»

> Talk, drink and get ̶c̶o̶m̶f̶y̶ spooky!

* cryptokiller — «The Cryptokiller (demo)»

> A non-commercial fan-made visual novel of the game Disco Elysium.

* TeamFAX — «Neddy Bois Pizzeria!»

> A fun fnaf fan game.

* Yulia Orlova — «Как я перестал доверять отечественному разработчику»

> Погрузитесь в состояние самоизоляции

* Quantum Sheep — «The Seance»

> Henry! It's me, it's Sheepy! It's so co-o-old!

* alexwilk96 — «Faeries and the Wizard»

> Fight back against those troublesome test subjects!

* semroolvink — «Political Discussion Simulator!»

> You're at a bar with friends, when the topic of politics comes up. Will you survive!?

* Caburum — «A Dark, Dark House»
* RanaStrange — «Pathei Mathos»
* sophiewrites — «Grave Green»

> An interactive narrative game following a young girl's life after the end of the world.

* loading.pine.studio, Loading Pine — «Mitten»

> Short story game in a peaceful place

* Brain in a Bowl — «Sweets»

> A halloween-themed choose your own adventure game.

* FredDuffield — «HR»

> Solve HR problems, nothing suspicious

* Cobra626 — «La noche del Protector»
* willitchio — «Cabin in the Forest»

> Create a character and run them through a procedurally-generated horror scenario!

* TrexandDrago Games — «Feeding Tata»
* Borderandry — «Black Box»

> A text adventure with a terminal after the end of the world

* Michael Coorlim — «Rascal and the Boxer»

> A very 80s interactive fiction gamebook

* Nicky23Demon — «Four Blue Birds»

> A click based text game of a short emotional story following the grieving process of a pet owner.

* Joserbala — «Noro»

> Would you save yourself?

* Anna Winterstein — «Those Who Stay»

> A 5-minute narrative game about the passage of time and the people who remain.

* AavaGames — «It rained,»
* Shepherd Games — «Critical Decision»

> Stories of decision making

* JoshVL — «A Typical Day At Work»

> Just another typical day at work.

* Monstro — «Space Ork Dating Simulator»

> Love is a dangerous game. Go dating with 5 space orks in this romantic survival sim

* AWaywardWriter — «Baby Labor»

> Absurd work place tragedy.

* earlyyy — «Beauty and The Beast| BSU»

> Earl Sebastian Canon

* Hmmble — «The Doors»

> World's smallest game made with QBASICS only.

* Ryan Dave Jimenez — «Detective 5»

> Join the school's detective club and solve a mystery bigger than everything.

* Kirby Baird — «I Need You To Rebuild»

> A visual novel about nationalism, espionage, and dating your coworkers.


#### Textadventures

* The Drummerman — «Marooned (Two Men And A Cat)»

> Your name is Gus Slayton and You are the captain of the USS Armstrong, the first ship to use warp drive. You and your crew have just completed a four year trip to the nearest star system of Proxima Centauri. You made orbit around the fifth planet in the stars solar system and were preparing to land when a major malfunction caused you to abandon ship.

* Shujo — «BeepBox Discord Halloween Event v1.7»
* bitterkarella — «Toadstools»

> Greetings, fellow mushroom enthusiast! If you're reading these words, it's because you too have decided to join the exciting and rewarding world of mushroom hunting.


#### Steam

* Kaio Meris — «Quantum Protocol»

> A visual novel deckbuilding card game where it's always your turn. Play as the master hackers of Quantum and take on the most dangerous malware in the world. Every action matters. Make plays, upgrade your deck, and break the enemy board!

* Fatih MERT — «Keywords of A Life»

> Keywords of A Life is a text-based, story-driven game in which you try to find right keywords in order to unlock files and understand the story.

* Ertal Games — «Lurkers»

> Chasing Jack the Ripper! A BL/ Yaoi Visual…

* ben lunato — «LA Monsters»

> travel through the LA wasteland with josh and sid in this atmospheric interactive video novel

* Never Knows Best — «恋爱绮谭~不存在的夏天~»

> 九省通衢之地的阴影里,不知名的存在正在蠢蠢欲动。普通到极点的高中生顾韦,作为“非日常部”的一员,和女友苏半夏开始调查“虚拟偶像杀人事件”的传闻。

* Nifty Visuals — «Witches x Warlocks»

> Witches x Warlocks is a cute and light-hearted Halloween Raising Sim; featuring a customizable protagonist and 4 love interests of different genders!

* Grindwheel Games — «The Hunter's Journals — Red Ripper»

> A diplomatic mission…with a lethal twist!

* Italian Party of Indie Developer — «BO020880»

> On 2 August 1980 Bologna is the victim of a neo-fascist attack. Bologna 020880 is a visual novel created to commemorate the victims of the massacre and keep the memory of those terrible facts alive.

* Lose — «Maitetsu:Last Run!!»

> 《爱上火车-Last Run!!-》是日本美少女游戏知名品牌Lose所制作的E-mote视觉小说。本作为本篇故事的二次强化版与各路线后日谈及续集的合集,拥有相当于两部作品的内容,字数高达200万字。本作由Cura担当原画与人物设计,进行豹负责剧本,并由tO(と)主导演出效果。中日文版同步在日本与海外进行发售。

* 聖Rawrence — «羅斯之旅 Roce's Journey»

> Roce's Journey is a game based on the Sokoban, with 20 different puzzles and 100 levels. Players need to understand the characteristics of each mechanism and interact to solve the puzzle.

* Imagine Fantasia — «Seven Wonders of St. Clementine»

> In pursuit of a cause dear to him, Mizukami Sei heads to a new school; but from the beginning, everything seems off, and the intense folklore pervading the surrounding hasn't helped. What dark secrets lurk in St. Clementine's shadows?

* CASCHA GAMES — «Ghost in the pool»

> Причудливая легенда кампуса перенесет вас в традиционную японскую черно-белую комическую историю ужасов. Станьте свидетелем знакомых сцен и созерцайте ужасающие моменты.

* Nostalgia — «Creature Romances: For the Ladies»

> An original mystery horror love story! This work contains many disturbing, grotesque images and images of non-human creatures. Please be aware of this if you decide to buy this game.

* Oleksii Rybnikov — «The Dealer»

> The Dealer — это диалоговая игра, действие которой разворачивается в вымышленной версии Соединенных Штатов Америки, на фоне катастрофической экономической и политической ситуации. Вы играете за уличного торгаша в самом проблемном городе страны.

* Winged Cloud — «Sakura Succubus 3»

> The third part of the Sakura Succubus series finds Hiroki enjoying himself with his succubus harem. His days pass peacefully, until he meets a mysterious woman who claims to have a strong connection to him.

* Kavorkaplay — «The Legend of Arcadieu 2»

> A sexy RPG adventure in a magical world filled with beautiful girls! Part two!

* Tin Man Games — «Choices That Matter: And The Sun Went Out»

> Take part in one of the most complex interactive adventure stories ever written! What if the sun inexplicably vanished only to return hours later? Investigate with your AI companion, Moti. Uncover conspiracies. Discover ancient religions. Travel the globe.

* Genuine — «Fateful End: True Case Files»

> Solve your own murder in this thrilling true crime adventure game. You've come face-to-face with your fate and someone close to you is going to kill you…unless you find out who it is before the time runs out!

* SC Games — «Secret Agent Allan Martin in… Phoenix Erupting»

> You are Allan Martin, an occasionally suave British superspy armed with a licence to cause an international incident. Can you survive international assassins? Can you stop an evil mastermind's nefarious plans? Can you avoid contracting an STD?

* Plug — «Reboot»

> In the fall of 2050, nearly a decade after an AI crisis ended, the Bates and two others are trying to find their last hope, Ocean City. The shortage of supplies and the threat of zombies have already made things difficult for them, and the appearance of a band of bandits has added to their woes.

Ссылка: https://ifhub.club/2020/11/05/ifnews-45-2020.html