[#] Новые игры - тридцать первое июля
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2020-07-31 10:05:16

#### Текстовые квесты

* techniX — «Дальше»

> Интерактивная погоня в городе будущего.

* Protos365 — «Кот Яшка и мусорное ведро»

> Сможет ли обычный кот спасти мир? Поиграйте и увидите.

* Chris Nerson — «Оглядываюсь, но бегу»

> Эта история расскажет о путешествии ученика мага, убегающего от паладинов Инквизиции, объявившей охоту на всех магов королевства. Перед своей смертью, маг наставник дал вам поручение, от выполнения которого зависит судьба Магии как таковой.

* ЗаМоЧиК — «Культура Египта»

> Египет — пустынная страна, расположенная в северной части Африки у Средиземного моря с чрезвычайно богатой историей. Сегодня это одно из самых популярных туристических направлений. Узнайте больше об этой удивительной стране.

* Сергей Морозов — «Убить колдуна»

> Месть. Эпическая история. Фэнтези. Магия.

#### Визуальные новеллы

* Артур Сулейманов — «Final Fantasy IX: Children of Terra»

> Кинетическая визуальная новелла в жанре фентези, которая является одновременно прямым продолжением и приквелом оригинальной игры. Первая половина сюжета расскажет вам о падении Терры, в то время как вторая – затронет события на Гайе спустя год после концовки Final Fantasy IX.

* storkyproduct. — «My Silly Life»

> Линейная визуальная новелла о переживаниях и раздумиях молодого парня. Полностью погрузиться в историю игры вам помогут анимированные фоны и спрайты персонажей. Прочувствуйте переживания главного героя, согласитесь ли вы с ним?

* (18+) Fair Games Studio — «Startup Valley Adventure — Episode 1»

> Тяжелый развод, увольнение с работы… Почему бы еще не усложнить себе жизнь? Возьмите на себя роль начинающего стартапера в Кремниевой Долине.

* (Демо) Перевод первой главы «Обещание Харухи Судзумии» для PSP.
* (Демо) Есть треть перевода (пролог и общий рут) «ToraDora! Portable» для PSP.

* * *


#### IFDB

* Keith Dechant — «Malleus Maleficarum»

> A nearby land has outlawed magic. You have heard rumors about religious fanatics there accusing people of witchcraft. Join a young adventurer friend on a quest to save her grandmother from persecution. At…

* Maeve Adams, Marc Faletti — «President Disaster»

> America faces its greatest threat yet. And now you have the worst and most important babysitting job in the history of the universe. Good luck!

* Karelia Hall — «180 Files: The Aegis Project»

> Uncover a web of evil as an elite superspy! You might break a few rules or a few hearts but you won't break cover. As Agent 180, a star secret agent, you've never found a problem you couldn't solve with…


#### Itch

* AsteroideZX — «2D2 & 3P2»

> You have 6 attempts to enter the secret number.​ Basic game to Sinclair ZX Spectrum.

* DamasenGames — «Hide And Seek Gone Wrong»

> This is a choose-yuor-own-journey game, just to train the muscles :)

* Stevie Dong — «Birb Simulator»

> Meet birbs and make friends

* Thomas Martin — «Scoop (Act One)»

> A journalism detective game set in an alternate 80s New York. Written for Introcomp 2020.

* fabricaff — «Guerra contra el virus»
* Mimi Chiu — «Baked With Love»

> What’s the worst that can happen at your new bakery job? Accidentally falling in love with your cute new boss?

* Dawn Chorus — «Dawn Chorus»

> A light-hearted furry visual novel

* OrbitalGarden — «Drifter: Act 1»

> The first part of a short sci-fi story, about the transition between the end and a new beginning.

* GuyInGrey — «A Convict's Appointment»
* CountArchos — «A Typical Game of Dungeons and Dragons»

> A short, text-based choose your own adventure! What will your legend be?

* shad0fx — «Scraplands: A Twine Game»

> Explore, Gather Scrap, Survive

* Polybiak — «How things have been / Cómo ha sido»

> Choose your own fascist life adventure

* InvaderSkooge — «Rex Aurum's Sexcapades»

> A twine featuring a tiger who goes on a sexy VR adventure

* magentatriptech — «Mama Jammin»

> Now you're a mama.

* ceciltheawesome — «On the End of the Road»
* jdmach — «The Tick of Guilt»

> A short, interactive story about how the choices we make affect the lives of others.

* resolutiongame — «Pandemic Resolution Game»

> A stimulation game for pandemic 2020

* SpicyTangerine — «Little Adventure»
* sinceremercy — «His Yellow Eyes (WIP)»

> The winter is upon us.

* Fatima K. — «Entering the Spiderweb»
* book_sung — «jachungbi»

> Hello, we made a story game based on 'Ja Chung-bi,' a Korean folktale. There are other old Korean stories mixed in.

* BiancaAgaton — «Cycle of revenge»

> An interactive fiction about love and revenge.

* juicywizards — «Spells For Sad Goths With Shitty Parents»

> You're 16, you're goth, and you just summoned a demon.

* kaelhem — «L'Abîme»

> Avec FeelMore, vivez votre vie. Encore.

* mountainshaker — «I think there's someone living in my attic»

> A piece of interactive horror about an unwanted guest.

* starkholborn — «The Gallowtown Incident»

> A dark western interactive fiction vignette

* Prunus_29 — «Ghost in a Flower»
* aaron_ds — «Meltdown»

> A short story about dealing with frustration and expectations

* Edu Sánchez Gamedev — «Tachado»

> Breve experimento de poesía tachada para la #RayuelaPoetica2020

* Chubby Cat Games — «クガハン-ハイオク-»

> 完全無料のホラーミステリーノベルゲーム!

* Chubby Cat Games — «Oniguisama»

> A short horror-themed kinetic novel with a runtime of roughly 7 minutes.

* WinterFall VideoGames — «SKYLAND — A Visual Novel»

> Skyland — A visual Novel

* RJMagnino — «In a restless night, I met myself»

> A short story about meeting yourself in the corner of your room. Talk with you and make a decision.

* heathertendre — «Date in a Toaster»

> Nerd Meets Neerd

* luciellaes — «My 16-Year-Old Self Rants About How the Government Wants Them Dead»

> A Twine game about a somewhat justifiably angsty teen

* Stacey Mason — «Empty Nest»

> A mother shares a last night with her daughter before she goes off to college.

* stuntmantan — «Packing List»

> A text-based game about moving to Europe.

* Sailor Bees — «HEY! LOOK AT THIS BEE!!! (Bee Love Letter)»

> SHE'S DELIVERING A LOVE LETTER!!! Do you accept???

* gled — «Lavalamp (WIP)»

> An experimental game made by a sound artist

* ladyfortuna — «No Exit»

> Alex is trying to leave a party, but nothing is as it seeems.

* hotlegsxoxo — «Family Tree»

> Face your family tree.

* Nerd Date Night — «Journey to Horizon»

> An interactive fiction RPG love story

* prairiedogseeksheart — «Whispers from Within: Moving On (VR ONLY)»

> You are the main character in this Twilight Zone-inspired experience.

* what'swrongwithme — «What's Wrong With Me»

> play to know some rare syndromes on these different characters

* LemonStone Studio — «My Mistake»

> Change your future!

* LUCCA — «Oblivion Congee»

> An illustrated Twine game about congee, memory, and reincarnation.

* Cyberq — «V in the cyberspace»

> Tech demo

* mwahahavilah — «Little Red Makes Bread Now»

> a game made in/with/for jam (Fortnightly Fiction Jam)

* Johnicholas — «Increpare's tinychoice, in DragonRuby»

> This is Increpare's tinychoice demo, transliterated into DragonRuby, as an exercise

* The Levi Johnston Company — «Harry Loses It»

> What will he lose next?

* tecsiederp — «Define Melanie»

> A story of an amnesiac cyborg trying to find her identity

* Lucinda Madigan — «My Real Life Hallmark Movie»

> A silly dating sim about horse therapy and love.

* yack611 — «A Teleportation Story»

> This is a text-based short story writen by me in batch.

* Lowsun — «Prism Song»

> A boss-rush DOS style platformer set in a dying world

* M0uts — «Weird Quest»

> Short, multiple endings, text-adventure with some weird twists.

* Draconic Chipmunk — «Wide Island»

> An interactive story

* Smartoom — «Sundays»

> A prototype of a pixel game about vegetables defending themselves from evil fast food

* sadpress — «Strange Cities»
* Apollo'sBoy — «The USHER Foundation XI: The Lonely»

> A Magnus Archives Fan Game

* flottthj — «Le taxi»

> mini-jeu textuel

* Yazorius — «Our Secret Garden»
* boorboor — «Below Deck: Journey to Chief Stew»

> Come aboard this yacht and earn a promotion….or don't.

* DesireLines — «Boyfriend Summon»
* mihai200049 — «King From Underworld»

> A mini text-based game

* lannalisala — «First Session»
* technicat — «The Question»

> Ren'Py example

* TheSugarRay — «Romancing the Sun»

> A dating sim where if love is not found, the Sun goes out. You can reload.

* thomasmichaelwallace — «Cafe Calm»

> Take five minutes to yourself with a coffee.

* Gleb Torubarov — «CAMPING»

> My game is about CAMPING

* abldi — «Shanghigh»

> Intro to Shanghai night bar life

* arcadekitten — «Cemetery Mary»

> A story about a girl who loves the cemetery. When her parents go missing, she receives a mysterious text…

* algarner — «OCD: A Bedtime Story»

> Navigate obsessive compulsive disorder, try to get some sleep

* rileybee — «Something Like Home»

> A slice-of-life night aboard the Castle of Lions.

* dustybagel — «Aquarium Date — Constellion DTA Entry»

> A short entry for a contest


#### Steam

* Radi Art — «Synergia»

> Synergia is a yuri thriller visual novel that takes place in a cyberpunk future, wrapped up in a beautifully unique, vibrant neon aesthetic. At the end of the world, sometimes love is the ultimate crime.

* De Fault, Chard — «Изгой Lovers»

> Driving home late one night you encounter a refugee in distress. They are looking for salvation. Do you hand them over to authorities? Or take responsibility yourself?

* Patrick Rainville — «Cross the Moon»

> A mystery visual novel seen through the eyes of sibling vampires and an out of town cop as they unravel a strange mystery at the heart of their broken country.

Ссылка: https://ifhub.club/2020/07/31/ifnews-31-2020.html