Фестиваль «Паровозик 6» закрыт на сорок четвёртой неделе.
Игры ЗОК 2021 принимаются до этого воскресенья и будут опубликованы в воскресенье или понедельник.
В англоязычном сообществе анонсирован конкурс ParserComp 2021 (не связанный с ParserComp 2015).
#### Визуальные новеллы
* CGCFSS — «Cat's Menace»
> Мрачная история из жизни кошек и людей. Кому будет принадлежать город?
* Svyatoslav Burobin — «The Sych story»
> Проживите пару дней из жизни обычного сыча-омежки. Это визуальная новелла про каждого из нас, и никого в частности. Сделайте свой выбор и решите судьбу Славки Сычова.
* Andrew Hussie — «Psycholonials»
> While in communication with supernatural forces, two influencers launch a daring new social media brand.
* (фан-перевод) Spike Chunsoft, пер. RikuKH3 (ZoG Forum Team) — «ИИ: Файлы Симониум / AI: The Somnium Files / AI:ソムニウム ファイル»
> В недалёком будущем токийский следователь Канамэ Датэ ведёт дело загадочного серийного убийцы, и в поисках улик ему нужно исследовать как сцены преступления, так и сновидения. Вас ждёт леденящее кровь детективное приключение в стиле неонуара, придуманное Котаро Утикоси (руководитель серии Zero Escape) и с персонажами дизайна Юсукэ Козаки (NO MORE HEROES, серия Fire Emblem).
* yookond — «Outgrow»
> Дракон Кронзи решил на лето уехать из города, чтобы попрактиковаться, изучить местные растения и просто подышать свежим воздухом. Если бы он только знал, какими захватывающими приключениями обернётся его путешествие.
* Игры по джотаджосу — «Невероятные Приключения ЖотаЖоса: В Поисках Коичи»
> Несчастный случай в Морио! Коичи пропал из-за Джотаро. Помогите Джоске разгрести то, что натворил его непутёвый парень-племянник, проведите запутанное расследование и спасите друга… А ещё постарайтесь не рассориться со всеми по ходу дела. Нужно найти Коичи до темноты. Тогда, возможно, Джоске ещё успеет на свидание в отеле.
* SummerOrigins, snow rowan — «Сквозь трещины / Through the Cracks»
> «Сквозь трещины» – крохотная новелла с элементами поиска предметов. Девушка отправляется в магазин, по пути погружаясь в размышления о жизни.
#### Текстовые квесты
* Out_or — «Чужой: Последний выход»
> Ностромо ловит сигнал с LV-426, но это сигнал не с планеты, а с космического шаттла. Альтернативная история по мотивам фильма "Чужой".
* * *
Peter Ravnholt — «Serania: Path of the Scion» (iOS, Android)
> Serania is a new flavor of choice-based text adventure set in a Nordic style medieval fantasy world. Escape the Blackblades, look for clues regarding your mysterious past, and find the truth about yourself.
Dashingdon (игры на ChoiceScript)
#### Dashingdon
* ajhammada — «A New World»
> Well, well. Have a good nap? Hm? Who am I? Wait, you still didn't get your memories back?! Mattaku…*sigh…I guess there's nothing I could about it, you're still too young. For now, Go! Enjoy the call of adventure! Enjoy your new life!
* astericae — «Nevermoore: Memento Mori»
> You find yourself suddenly stranded in a mysterious town far away from the eyes of civilization and the influences of time. Oh, and there's no way out of there apparently. So welcome, newcomer…To Nevermoore.
* yuveim — «The Spirited: Origins»
> They say your youth doesn’t define you, and yet your childhood experiences led you to an adulthood devoted to investigating the paranormal. There comes a time when you need to face the ghosts of your past, and those of your present.
#### Itch
* TheAlexRobert — «The Quest for the S'mores»
> A hypertext game about a camping trip and battling intrusive thoughts!
* LynnAlkhouri — «Conscience vs. Steve»
> An exterior observation of human nature
* ForFrog — «Bob.»
> I have no idea what this is
* Kevin Lewis — «Abscond»
* PogeSoft — «The Quest for Coffee»
> Can you still get coffee in these uncertain times?
* Zyraphes — «You ARE the Dragon!»
* GoeieLife Interative — «virusOVER — Uma Narrativa Interativa»
> O mundo está em perigo. Mas ,o final quem escolhe é você!
* TheeBryanSmith — «Gem of Destruction»
> Kyle is about to live out his wildest dreams and bring them to life.
* Yukaisland — «The UFO Adventure»
* playparkgame — «Playpark Game»
* m00nshine123 — «Morshu Dating Simulator»
> This is not my idea by the way.
* Nimra Farhan — «NEVER GONE»
* rachelquijano — «Quest For Knighthood»
> Adventure telltale game
* Kes Beacon — «Arcane Implement Generator for Blades in the Dark»
> Generate all the weird and wonderful objects used for a whisper's craft
* FS44 — «The Lifeguard»
* sitara — «Sunset World»
> A short Twine game.
* FS44 — «A Ghost Story»
* becky.friendx — «Year 6 Leavers Prom»
> A fun light hearted game
* blubberbaleen — «{{spawn}}»
> a net.art visual poetry generator
* CancerSlug — «Silly flicksy game (caution: heavy swearing)»
> flicksy by mark wonnacott
* zkyyyy — «Mañana es un día nuevo v1.1.1»
* Eric Nether — «Widnows Simulator»
* jennyhsiao0713 — «Soul #19»
> What have you been thinking about … ?
* 1564 Studio — «Murder on the Marine Express»
> A murder mystery novel for Windows, macOS, Linux and Android.
* rusicariaGAMES — «VivaCity [Demo]»
> Are you 𝗶𝗻 or 𝗼𝘂𝘁?
* Antithesis — «Courage of a Reflection — A Visual Novel»
> A high school boy falls into depression and a crisis of identity after the death of his best friend.
* Erik08 — «Zoombies»
> A small text adventure wher you try to develop a cure against some zombies.
* Guali — «Number Wizard»
* Guali — «Captain Tomorrow and Yester the Sailman»
* ihtasham_42 — «Progress Knight»
> A short, delicious text adventure.
* VitoPalermo — «Anguis.h»
> A text adventure where you'll need to outsmart a crazy PC virus to regain control over your life.
* Darkfafi — «Double Edged Short — 4 Hour Game Jam»
> A text-based RPG where choices matter based on your situation
* ScoobyDrewAu — «Where the **** did I put my keys?»
> This is a game about loss… and finding something more than you were originally looking for.
* teomankerki — «What Is Really Lost»
> A choose your adventure game with 6 different endings. Made with Twine. Cover art by Özgür Saraçoğlu
* Drazillion — «Witch Was Lost (And Has Been Found)»
> What you find is worth more than what you lost
* Steven Tu — «Remember That I Love You»
> Memories were lost, help guide lost people to one another by listening to their stories.
* JusawiChan — «I Remember This»
> She wakes up after a tragic event, and has to make her way back home.
* Palmerita Games — «True Colors»
> Narrative card textless game about the problems of communication and showing your inner thoughts.
* greatmaccao — «Help Me Describe Your Evening»
> A short horror fiction quiz.
* lauratchi — «Riba»
> A game about fishing your grandma's bones
* MightyKnightt — «Laptop»
> Narrative Game for Global Game Jam 2021
* EliosHERB — «Nursing Memories»
> An emotional narrative game with a bit of a puzzle
* nutthan — «LO-FI Simulator»
> Point and Click,Choose your own way to Found or lost money.
* vixxvicks — «Hannibal»
> Step into Will Graham's shoes and investigate a murder scene.
* vixxvicks — «Bakugan but you're Gingka from Beyblade»
> Gingka's first visit to the newly opened Bakugan Interspace.
* Isaamp — «Colhedor de fotos»
> Auxilie Lara a relembrar de momentos do seu passado.
* Ccfin — «The Last Match»
> An interactive visual mystery.
* Diane Sparks — «NefariOS»
> The most egregious operating system devised (Global Game Jam 2021)
* CatLadyCreates — «Vrelk on the Town (Beta)»
> A JS based text adventure about a purple goblin who gets in to trouble
* Bear Vegas — «One Autumn Morning»
> A man and his best friend are lost and trying to find each other
* supani — «Mario's Spaghetteria»
> A web text adventure fangame
* Mandy J Watson — «The Mischievous Thievery Of Jessica The Cat (prototype)»
> Jessica the cat has been stealing people's things! A prototype built in Twine for Global Game Jam 2021.
* Kim Peters — «That Time You Found A Missing Cat»
> What would you do if you find a missing cat?
* LunarNorthstar — «The Hero's Choice»
> Your life, your choice
* Future games — «The Road Out»
> A text-based dystopian fantasy adventure
* IsabelK — «Day 9042»
> Rise and shine! You wake up in your home, just as you always have- only to find a mysterious hole in your wall.
* ryomams — «Kowalski and the Quest for Swag»
> Can you become the swaggiest kid on campus? Only one way to find out… 😎
* TheApprenticeJourneyman — «Cyber Gladiator»
> A short, fast-paced gladiator dueling game built in twine.
> Secret Samol 2021
* Sam — «The Restoration Process»
> Enter your family's almost abandoned toy shop and prepare to take on the work that follows.
* gamesbyboon — «your personal photon»
> What did you leave behind?
* NebulaProjects — «Desconectado»
> Encuentra una señal
* barbaraf — «Nome / Name»
> Trade letters to create a new name that shows who you truly are!
* Vangalther — «Alternative Facts Detector»
> Descubre las noticias correctas o ten cuidado con las consecuencias
* Mariana Amorim — «Achados, Perdidos e Agiotas»
> Viva na pele a vida de um estagiário que deve dinheiro a um agiota demoníaco!
* DotSquare — «Paranoid Polaroid»
* Afraid of the Dark? — «Muybridge»
> Conversational Television Simulator
* Perficio — «INSE-PAIR-ABLE»
> A speed-dating for orphan socks!
* federyuk91 — «MyStupidBigFamily»
* GreenGlob salsa. — «Helping Hand»
> A point and click adventure where you have to find your will to live.
* Damon L. Wakes — «Passport Panic»
> Return lost things to their proper place in order to recover your own missing passport!
* DJ Mix — «Cyanic City»
> Will you be able to save the city?
* Lynnnnnn — «sleep tight»
> ~How to sleep better~
* CurlyJ — «Pillows»
> Just a short personal twine experience- TW//impending fear and terror
* Jonathan Tang — «Impossible Baking starring A Guinea Pig»
> A recipe for romance
* Zach — «Lost And Found Manager 5000»
* Snowy Fox — «Adventure Game»
> A shit choose-your-own-adventure game made in a week.
* Thought Cabinet — «Ash Carrying»
> Grief and storytelling on your childhood home.
* Oliver Gallina — «Data Kingdom»
> Gerald deleted the repository again, and you gotta get those assets back
* BUNN1E5 — «Galaxy Taxi»
* IggyLikesToCode — «Friend...»
* hedgejess — «Roll of Fate»
> Take your chance on adventure!
* katherine — «An Evening's Entertainment»
> An adaptation of the M.R. James ghost story.
* unSAME Studio — «Emotionless»
> Would you trade your life to be normal?
* pacificyost — «The In Between»
* clemna — «There and back again»
> “There and back again” is a game recreating the experience of a memory loss.
* Slippery Scope — «Undungeon»
> When the hero is defeated and the dungeon left unconquered, who cleans up the mess?
* olivebranche — «What Girls Do in the Dark»
> A short slumber party text adventure ♡
* Moon Moth Games — «Séance: Spectral Noise»
> An occult mystery. Play the demo and spell disaster.
* Maxjk0 — «The Socklands»
> Do you have what it takes to find your sock?
* AlekMax64 — «Go West Young Player»
> Gaming like it's 1925
* Drakes — «Steadfast»
> Steady your heart, my friend.
* akan3 — «always & forever: a ghost's promise»
> Time passed by so, so quickly.
* graybedroll — «You Find Yourself On A Bus»
> A weird text based game about finding your way home by navigating the bus system.
* HolyMan1112 — «Tic Tac Toe»
* N.S. Dawn — «Concrete»
> Lost in a depressed dreamscape.
* Lyrdinn — «NEO-PROGRAMS»
> Explore the deepness of the simulation, face deadly threats and save the program.
* AppleBombGames — «Unhinged»
> Explore the mind of a grieving father in this short, psychological thriller video game.
* Dan Beglov — «looking for party simulator»
> A short Inky thing.
* Redlac — «The Locrian»
> A story about falling in love with our expectations.
* TeamTinyPixel — «Lost & Found»
> You're a Dad Reaper and you're two souls away from getting a promotion to full time Reaper!
* laucalle — «wandering through oniria»
* 2 Cubs Studio — «Sophistry»
> Free Demo — Romance Visual Novel
* 8-BitNovels — «Dawes-24 Alpha»
* coven kids — «Have you ever been to the inside of your own brain? this is what it would feel like.»
> Deep dive into the decaying memories of a deceased CEO to determine who is most deserving of his unclaimed assets.
* liceng games — «Polygon World VR»
> Polygon World VR is atmosphere game with different open world in Low-poly style. In the game you can walk, jump and run.
* Ertal Games — «Dioses Menores»
> Xavi tiene una tienda de animales de lo más inusual. Una VN hecha para la Global Game Jam'21
* Louise Morens — «Become a Watchman»
> Memoirs of a Watchman
* Mrcatous — «It's Fall Chapter:2»
* abshyp — «No Excuse for Not Doing Homework»
> Today, I will be productive.
* andrazg — «Lost Souls»
> Story driven RPG adventure
* FreckledFemme — «Faerie Mist»
> An Invitation to Another World
* ikerdi_ — «The Office»
> Short magical realism-inspired sandbox experience
* amanjhooty — «Rainy Day at the Office»
> Rainy days at work bringing friends together
* ethereal-keys — «All is fair in love and thumb war»
> Dating sim visual novel
* Spellminds — «André Ventura Dating Simulator»
> "André Ventura Dating Simulator" é um 'dating sim' com foco em André Ventura.
* amano-jack — «Nightmare»
> Trial version
* Zaino — «LITOST»
> ¿Estás listo para vivir la experiencia Litost?
* cory.mckague — «Animal Farm 2.0»
> Twine Puzzle Interactive Fiction
* Nacho Committee — «[TEST] Mixtape Madness»
> How far will you go for clout?
* dreamlogician — «Capital Region Lost & Found»
* Fleischshake Games — «An Asylum Tale — Shellshock»
> Follow in this text adventure the horror of a war Veteran inside a Mental Asylum.
* nneka thewoods — «Mute in Context»
> Navigate through different contexts in Akenn's shoes
* Larnn — «Frank the Forager»
* DarlingAvocado — «In the Dark»
> You wake up in the dark. What happened? How did you get here?
* DarlingAvocado — «GroundDog Day»
> Find out what your fur baby is really thinking
#### Steam
* Arrow Games — «Remember When»
> The story follows a phone call between Noah and his wife, Sarah as they recall pivotal moments in their relationship. Peer into Noah's memories and relive the couple's happiest moments through choice based dialogue, a unique art-style, and an original soundtrack in this fully voice acted experience.
* LongerGamesStudio — «Text RPG»
> Turn-based text RPG roguelite where you choose 1 out of 3 classes to conquer the dungeon and smash the enemies
* Heat Wave Games — «Lilith Was Dead»
> After being away at college, you meet up with two of your friends at a local movie theatre. What starts out as a simple reunion, quickly unravels to be a gruesome murder mystery with your friend as the victim. It is now your mission to find out who did it, and how in this visual novel style game.
* P.G.制作组, V.P.TEAM — «Coffee flavor of love»
> Sweet love begins in the coffee shop. Office romances of coffee shop employees. This is a visual novel game with two endings.
#### Textadventures
* «Space Scums 3»
> Space Scums 3: The Misadventures of Robotron is an illustrated text adventure in which you, a robotic warrior used by the Captain's Guild, is tasked in rescuing a captured lizardfolk child from The Cult of Pi. Return to old locations such as Aych-20, Keeto, and Anthanel, fulfilling your duty as a protector of the galaxy.
* «Elsa and Anna adventures!»
> Go on a short adventure with Anna Elsa and Olaf! There will be unicorns and fun! Ice medicine and snow medicine, birthdays and snow days!