#### Текстовые квесты
* Chaupar — «С М Е Т Ь»
> Третья игра из серии "12 костей"
* Сергей Морозов — «Механический человек»
> Механизм. Крафт. Возможна смерть.
* Ekaterina Uvarova — «Деревья Не Тонут»
> Подружиться с зелёным гигантом
* Полтавська обласна бібліотека для дітей ім. Панаса Мирного Мотузюк Денис — «Магічний світ Гаррі Поттера»
> Хто не хотів би отримати листа з Гогвортсу? Узяти до рук чарівну паличку, вислухати наставляння Герміони як правильно вимовляти «Вінгардіум Левіоза» і створити диво? Узяти автограф у Хлопчика-Що-Вижив і полетіти в небо верхи на мітлі? Цього хочуть усі! І нікому не потрібно пояснювати, про що йде мова. Цього року відзначає свій ювілей автор всесвітньо відомої серії книг про Гаррі Поттера Джоан Роулінг.
#### Визуальные новеллы
* Dharker Studio, Apodo — «Cоседская романтика / Roomie Romance Deluxe Edition»
> Твоё начало на новой работе всегда было трудным, новый город, новое место, в которое можно вписаться. Но все становится гораздо хуже, когда ты падаешь с первого взгляда вместе с новым соседом по дому и сэнпаем на работе.
* Andy Church, Unkenbro — «Убей или Люби / Kill or Love»
> Это история об одержимости, одиночестве и убийствах, количество которых зависит от ваших выборов. Джек является обычным парнем, потерявшим память о своём детстве, который к тому же застрял в больнице после почти смертельной травмы. А его девушка находится в плену. Что ещё хуже, так это то, что медсестра Джека — Анна, девушка, которая похитила его подругу, и та, по чьей вине Джек оказался в больнице.
* Fox_Rejoices — «Пленник забвения / Prisoner of Oblivion»
> Майлон — обычный студент, скучающий от повседневности, решает прогуляться в поход в честь сдачи экзаменов. Все кажется обычным до тех пор, пока у костра Майлон не заговорит со своими однокурсниками.
* [DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYS] — «Wait! Life is Beautiful! Prologue»
> W!LiB! Prologue позволит вам прожить один день из жизни Уилла в попытках спасти людей на Мосту Самоубийц. Сможете ли вы подобрать нужные слова? Скольких вам удастся спасти за один день? И как вы себя почувствуете, если окажетесь недостаточно хороши?..
* Alkinoy — «Коридоры их воспоминаний»
> Загляните в чужие воспоминания и найдите в них улики для поимки преступника. Вместе с бывшим полицейским Джоном Виктором вам предстоит раскрыть дело, выданное ему для продвижения по службе.
* * *
Выложены игры IntroComp 2020. IntroComp — это конкурс демок: все игры должны быть рабочим началом, а победитель получает приз, только если завершит игру.
Сегодня начинается онлайн-конвент по вселенной Myst.
Набирает популярность онлайн-лига фентези бейсбола «Blaseball».
#### IFDB
* Jeffrey
Dean — «Werewolves 2: Pack Mentality»
> It's a war between your werewolf pack and the Human
> Sovereignty Movement! Lead the pack to victory before extremists
> turn your packmates against each other. Werewolves 2: Pack
> Mentality is a 360,000 word…
* Zuuri — «Century»
* Soso — «A Mission in Time»
* Llewelyn
'NylePudding' Griffiths — «The Troll and the Teddy»
* Garry Francis — «Seeker of Magic»
* «The Cave of Montauk by MarWinStudios»
* «Escape the Cave of Magic by Sleuthgames»
* «The Badly Cursed Treasure by Pixelman»
* Bieno Marti — «Torreoscura»
> Aun no se como he llegado hasta este punto… Vivo aquí, en Torreoscura, aislado del mundo y donde solo me cabe esperar que alguien venga y saque de esta soledad eterna y la maldición que muerde y alarga…
* Matt Simpson — «The Parenting Simulator»
> A unique story that lets you experience all the highs and lows of raising a child. Watch your little one grow and change from the choices you make!
* balt77 — «I See Leaf People»
> Short linear narration by a casual observer of leaf people. 300 words.
* John C. Knudsen — «Fabled Journey»
> A minimalist text adventure. You are Magnus, the Protector of Morr, in the Kingdom of Oshen. Fabled Journey is an experiment in the deployment of a Gamebook/CYOA using a lite-weight javascript game engine,…
* «Adventure in 20 Rooms by 80sNostalgia»
#### Itch
* starkholborn — «A Case of Trouble»
> Five interlocking interactive fiction stories, about the echoes of decisions
* quackoquack — «Out Of Memory»
> how far will you go to succeed?
* devinpolaski — «Do or Donut»
> Your favorite sugary treat is on the line. Will you risk it all? OR DIE TRYING?
* CogsAndSpanners — «Conversations With Deleted NPCs»
> When the project was cancelled, all that remained were three short conversations with deleted NPCs.
* Thomas Martin — «Five Against The Sea-King!»
> For five friends, a grand day out on an English beach proves quite the adventure!
* Rigachupe — «Doodley the ducktective»
> Text adventure game about a duck that plays as detective to solve the mystery of lost chocolates
* garoo — «The Envelope»
> An in-browser interactive story for InkJam 2020
* Eldridge Misnomer — «Break Glass»
> Trouble lies ahead
* Rigachupe — «Isle of cyclops gamebook»
> A gamebook remake in adventuron about an island with a cyclops that haunts the local folk.
* Reoli — «Quacky Dog do Uncharacteristic Thing»
> Short story about a lost puppy
* The Levi Johnston Company — «Magic Mandy and the Pinkles™»
> What will these cute little creatures have in store for Harry's mother?
* Pigeonkind Games — «Take Me Home»
> A brief interactive fiction about sea travels and homesickness.
* igoiaba — «Potypunk»
> Protótipo do jogo
* felicia — «love, nora»
> A visual novel about love, grief, and letting go.
* bushn — «Referendum»
> Stay existing. Use the codes. Choose a side.
* georgle — «A Quiet Night»
> Shaemora the Unrepentant has a debt to pay…
* bewildered — «Incoming Call»
> Your best friend video calls you after finding a strange tunnel in her backyard.
* Haunted Forest — «Space Trouble»
> This big red button that might save your life…
* Fergus Doyle — «A Follower of Ares»
> A Post-Apocalyptic Interactive Fiction Piece Written For InkJam 2020
* Nerd Date Night — «Emotive Machine Intelligence»
> A game about A.I. with feelings, starship engine trouble, and an intergalactic rock star
* corporat — «Playback»
> A story about obsession and the past
* Sofia Romualdo — «Toil and Trouble»
> Trouble. You're always in it or you are it. That's the challenge with being a witch.
* Sam Sarette — «The Color Below»
> A child is lost in a sinkhole full of alien colors. But the expedition to save him may only make things worse…
* NarramoreArt — «Memory Box»
> What's inside?
* toyinariyo — «A Magical Chase»
> You stole a spellbook. Try not to get killed. Made for inkjam 2020.
* Jeremy — «The Basilisk Dialogue»
> Can a mouse reason their way out of certain death?
* noelwarford — «Break Relic»
> A story about a wizard who slayed Hydra.
* Jayden — «THE LAUNCH»
> A short interactive fiction story about two teenage boys and a historic rocket launch.
* tabby — «Grandma's Arboretum»
> A short visit
* Afrodeez — «Lessons»
> To learn, you must do, and keep doing. The understanding will come.
* Pix A — «A Thing!»
> This is my first thing — I made it myself!
* claybreak — «KNISLINGE Sofa, Samsta Dark Brown»
> "An unpredictable journey into IKEA where you need to prepare for the worst in the pursuit of buying a sofa."
* heathertendre — «Maikuroneko (Beta V1.0)»
> A Furry Interactive Fiction
* Studio Hazy — «The Fixer»
> A short dark story made for inkJam2020
* Anniemay Parker — «Travelling In Pieces»
* nadia — «DEMO: you are frog»
> Play as a Frog and have the opportunity to date 3 ladies in a pseudo-medieval fantasy setting!
* muffinhj — «IDK Soup»
* BAD PXL — «White Mask»
> A text-based horror adventure game
* Alkain Studios LLC — «C# Labyrinth Explorer»
> A game made in C# from scratch for fun.
* alphachromeyayo, Alpha Chrome Yayo — «A Skull»
> A surreal visual novel built on old bones and entropy
* katzhang — «Room/Me»
> A tiny interactive visual essay about self-isolation and self-care during quarantine
* StarrainArts — «Abiona Journal»
> Text Based
* Damon L. Wakes — «Llamageddon»
> In case of trouble, call Agent Andes.
* ColtaDev by Calvin — «After Heist»
> Story text adventure game about heist.
* thriftdad — «Button Simulator»
> Will you press it?
* PimpGame — «PianoBot»
> PianoBot-This is a neural network that plays the piano
* mikegld561 — «The Wandering Town»
> A Text Adventure set in Minnesota
* Igor Polidori — «O FIM DO MUNDO!»
> Jogo de escolha.
* TheDarkMessiah — «TTBG»
> You can press a button, but what if you don't press it ?
* Randen Banuelos — «Fractal (Demo Version)»
> A sci-fi interactive story with multiple endings!
* horjecazador — «In Case of Turtles»
* Sugar Slip — «Serial Lover»
> A dating sim rhythm game where you seduce serial killers!
* Adriano Silva — «A man by the beach»
> A digital experience about life and death.
* boyanbotev — «Bluebottle»
* Gorgon Games — «The Red Death»
> Short horror visual novel in which your choices determine who survives. Trans (non-binary) themes. English and Spanish.
* JonasRoy — «Don't ruin the dinner party»
> Can you survive a formal dinner party?
* shedbuildergames — «A Crimp in Time»
> Find salvation in the nightlife of 1920s Berlin
* regularcolin — «It's Locked.»
> It's locked. You need to get out.
* HeyMarmalade — «Lost Cause (W.I.P)»
> The Villain finally wins, and now I have no idea what to do.
* gomijin — «Choose Your Own Drug-Fueled Misadventure: Fuck This Blurry Arcade»
> A text-based CYOA where you are always an idiot and every you choice you make is wronger than the last.
* HedgeHog — «Typewriter»
> Text-Adventure, which includes Time Travel.
* AprilB — «Life Simulation: Anxiety Edition»
> This game sheds light on one persons experience with anxiety.
* ShnapennWorlds — «Shnapennarium Text Adventure»
> A Day In The Life Of A Mad Scientist
* PandaSpaceDan — «How to hire a Stationary Engineer»
> The year is 2020. Stationary Engineers are all but impossible to find. You must hire one.
* cherrybadstyle — «Tokyo Tour»
> A virtual showcase for Tokyo inspired Game Boy architecture
* Fengyun Li — «2131»
> Anti-utopia visual novel
* Shepherdia Studio — «A DRIFTWOOD HEART»
* 11BelowStudio — «Epic Gamer Moment — Twine Edition»
* Chilman — «A Quarentena»
> A simple text-based RPG game inspired in the 2020 quarantine.
* andrewmck — «Saudade»
> A series of vignettes about memory, love and loss.
* Gaiascope — «Eons»
> A twine game about time, history, and trying to make a change.
* misterG420 — «Brackeys Jam 2020.2 — Asbjörn the forgetful Wizard»
> A relaxing TextAdventure about Asbjörn who locked himself into his room and forgot the spell to get out
* DoctorM64 — «Another Metroidy Text Adventure»
> A short fun text adventure parodying the typical sci-fi videogame tropes
* Garbochii Games — «You Love Him»
> A story about being in love with the wrong person.
* Sebwenjan — «KG Student Simulator»
* sana.tasnim — «First Day at KGUV»
* Forsythia Productions — «Of Sense and Soul [DEMO]»
> A confirmed bachelor, a buttoned-up poet, and a lonely hearts ad.
* sushwancesauce — «Sustainability is an everyday thing»
* Marjan1359 — «The story of a newcomer»
* robotinker — «Elias Grey»
> A game about aspiration, guilt, and the scarcity of time.
* RachelMonique — «How It Feels»
> A young woman navigates the ups and downs of her early twenties, moving between fashion school and anti-war activism.
* Fruci — «The Seer»
> Story-focused game about romance and fantasy
* MistrNinja — «A Boat will Float Downstream»
> A short, interactive story
* Waldomiro Romão — «CASA VERDE»
> Intern the mental indisposed into the Casa Verde.
* Hsarus — «Pupillio»
> Short virtual pet / interactive fiction game where you make snap decisions
* Owl_Skip — «The Russian Doll»
> An Espionage Detective Game.
* Lan Ha — «Hanging Shadow»
> Explore your hidden side lurking in the shadow
* Accidental Team — «Critic's Choice»
* Opa-Opa — «Idol Hands»
> ex[e/o]rcising frustration
* alejandramaria1996 — «My Story of Coming from Colombia»
* Watercress — «A Field of Flowers and Stars»
> In search of adventure!
* Lorister Games — «DOD Birthday edition»
> an extension of a simple party game I made for my friends. For a party
* chloe-s — «Computer Science at SWAU»
> Text Guided tour of CS department information
* The Planetary Courses — «Unchanging Stories.»
> What's beyond what you can see?
* sarksus — «New York Millennials Simulator»
> A CYOA story about the NYM Blaseball team
* colinodonnell — «Become a duck spy»
* Brandon Dickerson — «Palimpsest Grove»
> Interactive text fiction set at the edge of Oregon in the summer of 1997.
* Alex Hawking — «Text Styler»
> A simple app for styling text.
* Awiola — «Argousze»
> Short story about an alien invasion that never happened.
* Bri Williams — «What the Children Made»
> A Twine based on "The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury
* Metarevelations — «haRold»
> game with haRold and adventure and theme 6
* Drawsi — «NotWorking»
* DatJuanDesigner — «Why did the chicken cross the road?»
> I think we have finally found the answer!
* UncleVitaly — «Vitalyverse — Prologue»
> a short furry visual novel
* Anas Shwehdy — «Before 2nd Jam»
* GeraKismet — «Дженни и кактус»
> Удивительный мир приключений маленькой Дженни
* Cryoslight — «Lavender Link»
> A bitter janitor's search for redemption among stars.
* ChonkGames — «Epic Hacker Simulator»
* Mark Mandriota — «Faster Than Time»
* SETOOK — «The Rest»
> Not all those who are missing are lost
* VAKEN17 — «Solemn Letters»
> A grim rpg in progress currently
* Pierrec — «Piggy Bank»
> A not-that-much-incremental game about childhood memories
* shelloss.jpg — «TRISTITIA»
> I'll let you explore Schrödinger's Reality.
* Jay Lankau — «Strange Dreams: The Premonition»
* AtaleofKnight — «An Alchemist's Journey»
> An Alchemist's Journey follows the path of two budding alchemists working to solve the kingdoms problems.
* jonascardona — «A Dance with Daema»
> Join Eli on his pursuit for love as he connects with a local woman named Daema.
* Georgio Klironomos — «I Wait For You the Way I Wait For Spring»
> a twine game about growth
* Katie Moses — «A Love Letter to My Headphones»
> a collection of memories and songs.
* Linedari — «The Visit»
> Your life changes forever when your uncle comes to visit for the night.
* Drewboo — «Hunt Down The Phantasm»
> Everyone has their own phantasms… What are yours?
* MansterSoft — «The Mini-Game 3-in-1 Fun-Pak»
> Three Mini Games; One Fun Pack
* GuildCompounder — «Flashback»
#### Steam
* Out Of Time Interactive — «Obreno: Chapter One»
> An interactive novel. In the distant future, a search for a missing brother leads to a journey through an intergalactic civilization that may have reached the limits of progress.
* (коммерческий парсер) Isocube Software — «Starship Intruder»
> The interface IS the game. Using your keyboard in a command prompt-style, you will engage in combat with enemy spaceships, raid planets, collect warp cores and much more.
* lamb of game — «Hunting Moon vol.2»
> When I received a life-size puppet, I thought it was a prank, but the puppet moved suddenly…
* Hosted Games — «The Floating City»
> You’re a regular teen living in a glass city on the ocean. It’s time to choose whether to take over the family shark farm, or to forge a different path.
* 69Gate — «Touhou Gensokyo Visitor»
> Walking through the forest, Reimu meets a stranger in the forest, now she needs to understand where he came from, and how he got through the barrier.