An anonymous reader shares a report: An organization developing math benchmarks for AI didn't disclose that it had received funding from OpenAI until relatively recently, drawing allegations of impropriety from some in the AI community.
Epoch AI, a nonprofit primarily funded by Open Philanthropy, a research and grantmaking foundation, revealed on December 20 that OpenAI had supported the creation of FrontierMath. FrontierMath, a test with expert-level problems designed to measure an AI's mathematical skills, was one of the benchmarks OpenAI used to demo its upcoming flagship AI, o3.
In a post on the forum LessWrong, a contractor for Epoch AI going by the username "Meemi" says that many contributors to the FrontierMath benchmark weren't informed of OpenAI's involvement until it was made public. "The communication about this has been non-transparent," Meemi wrote. "In my view Epoch AI should have disclosed OpenAI funding, and contractors should have transparent information about the potential of their work being used for capabilities, when choosing whether to work on a benchmark."
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