[#] Новые игры - восьмое января
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2021-01-07 23:05:26

#### Визуальные новеллы

* Moving on, Марк Тэйлор — «Meet Your Dream»

> Meet your dream! Это название игры. И название игры внутри игры. Мы дали его не просто так, а авторы игры в игре – и подавно. Их проект – это многопользовательская RPG, невзрачная на вид, и, казалось бы, не примечательная ничем, кроме наглого слогана.

* mrpres1dent — «Наперекор Судьбе / Against Fate»

> Это история о девушке, которая оказалась в колонии для несовершеннолетних. Там она заведёт новых друзей и узнает о клане волшебниц, которые с незапамятных времён охраняли мир. Впоследствии она станет одной из них.

* Nozori Games — «Guilty Parade»

> Одна война. Две стороны конфликта. Как вы поступите, если увидите мир с двух сторон баррикад? Кого поддержите, а кого уничтожите, если одни сражаются за будущее, а другие — за мирное настоящее?

#### Текстовые квесты

* Esperon — «Чужие дни»

> Найдите себя в мире недалекого будущего.

* MiroGhost — «Объект 20-20»

> Стори на новый год, ничего экстраординарного.

* Lana Simova — «Inspector»

> История об инспекторе по заселению планет и спутников. На Земле изобретают безопасный способ гибернации и инспектор может наконец-то присутствовать во время заселения планеты и следить за развитием планеты, влиять на происходящие события, и сможет увидеть, к чему придет спутник, за которым он наблюдает.


#### Dashingdon

* beesquared — «Elemental Alliance»

> Find love and friendship as the royal heir while building alliances with other nobles. When the monarch is poisoned, can you protect your kingdom—and your heart?

* barbaratruelove — «Blood Moon»

> A corny werewolf dating sim with a grim coat of paint.

* phyllistate — «Invoker»

> You are an Invoker, a being who's capable of using aether, and your existence alone is considered as a sin in the Kingdom of Aurvandill. Trying to live a normal life is never easy, but for you, it's just downright impossible.

* screaming — «No More Heroes»

> You are a chosen one turned dark overlord who has betrayed the trust of all you love. Most fear you, few still love you, and now you're having dreams of a mysterious figure who doesn't quite tell you much of anything. Just what is going on?

* bertiome — «OFNA: Birds of a Feather»

> After a strange encounter, you gain psychic gifts and disturbing dreams. How fortunate that the Ornithological Fellowship of North America is here to help, and they only require a few drops of blood. It's probably not witchcraft… right?

* speedcubinggaming — «Artificial: Life as an AI»

> Time to enter the world of algorithms and data processing, you are an AI. Will you serve your purpose, further your own agenda, or be deleted?


#### Gamejolt

* DerpChest — «7 Days To Live»

> You Were Diagnosed with 7daystoliveitis, a rare, but deadly disease that only gives you a week to live. And you have to make the most of it. Which path will you go to?

* river_tam — «r//Evolution»

> You play as Iara’s boyfriend who arrives at her house set in the mountains and discovers what happened there. The story is anchored in the sociocultural landscape of the 1920s.


#### IFDB

* Garry Francis — «Igor's Quest»

> One day, Igor is minding his own business in the living room of Frankenstein's castle, when the doctor comes running down the stairs from his laboratory. He is clearly excited. "Igor! I've done it! The…

* Gareth Pitchford — «Mirror Mirror»

> You are trapped in a locked room. Can you unravel the secret of the strange mirror and escape? A short, mini-adventure with an interesting mechanic. Written for the ZX Spectrum.


#### Itch

* AnotherReality — «Terkistán»
* Rokgen44 — «The Tale of Okuninushi»

> Based on the Japanese myth

* Rango Unchained — «Turkey Existential Crisis»

> You are a turkey having an existential crisis, solve the mind codes to break free.

* indigosees — «Routinely»

> Based on a bad ending from the otome game Mystic Messenger.

* Srdjan Milosavljevic — «Captain Galactic»

> Space Odyssey

* moddayhippie — «M-E Text Based Adventure Game»

> an adventure game made 100% with python

* Argharna — «A Pirate Adventure»

> A small pirate text adventure game

* kungfuspacebarbarian — «STARFREAKS»

> Old school text adventure games

* Goat Surgeon — «Kill the Ghouls Terminal»

> Text based anagram word game for killing ghouls! Are you sick enough in the head to complete these puzzles?

* Fwoop Inc. — «The Lab: Mutations»

> A text-adventure escape

* iLuCompany — «Persana»

> Regiere als weiser Herrscher über die Region Persana!

* Arocta — «Walking Hell»
* CPN — «Burgherr»
* pancelor — «textorio (7/10)»

> factorio text adventure

* The Other World_Games — «The Other World»

> A CYOA/text adventure novel

* Everest Pipkin — «Shell Song»

> An audio & hypertext piece about ghosts, bodies, and corporate deep-fake technologies.

* applechoux — «petrichor»

> twine game/shortstory hybrid

* jtlloyd — «4 Days To Extraction»

> Text-based espionage

* jmorris — «50 Shades of Brown»

> A Twine Game exploring digital skin tone

* (мультижанровая подборка) PIZZAPRANKS — «Indiepocalypse #12»

> Issue #12 of a monthly indie game anthology collecting games from 10 developers.

* FloatingTurtles — «Colors (An Interactive Story)»
* JeffersonToal — «under the moon»
* Carl The Cube Games — «Business As Usual [Demo]»
* priyanka1706 — «Cthulhu In Disguise»
* Grey-Eden — «Reclaim»
* Grey-Eden — «Spider's Chance»
* Rusty Bailey — «Grandma's Ghosts»
* tcbiii — «INFINITUBE»
* silicon14 — «Elsegar I: Arrival»
* teachinsw — «Die Flucht von Alcatraz»
* teachinsw — «Die ewige Leere»
* epw — «Astronomancer»
* Steg Game Dev — «The Ghost of Joe Papp: 101 Ways to Kill Writer's Block»
* k2sebeom — «3 Days of Randy»
* imo-vee — «Class 315»
* Akagekurage — «Ad Caelum Draconis»
* Klast Halc — «The Villainess Slap — 転生してない悪役令嬢はまだビンタが足りない»
* Vos — «Cold Vos! + Kaon! Light up my world»
* nosabi — «hvnsnt»


#### Steam

* Hosted Games — «Relics of the Lost Age»

> The Nazis are scouring the globe for powerful occult artifacts. Can you beat them to the treasures and save the world from a thousand years of darkness?

* Renan Miguelote Vianna — «Horus IDLE»

> Horus IDLE is an IDLE rpg where you see similar scenarios but with a differnt approach. Horus IDLE has only one mission type and one Enemy Type. Horus IDLE was an attempt to pick what I liked from certain games. I also tried to shorten the game a little bit.

* Abigail Corfman — «Open Sorcery: Sea++»

> You wake up at the bottom of the ocean, surrounded by your broken memories. Reclaim and compile your magic or drown in an sea of dreams.

* Britnet Media — «Chat Millions — Stream Quiz Game»

> Play the classic 4-choice quiz with a new twist, and see if your twitch chat has what it takes to win the millions.

* Megami Soft — «Your Waifu Foxgirl Konko — So Cute, So Lonely… You Can't Leave Her Alone! -»

> One day, you meet with a trainee foxgirl in charge of the school club you're assigned to. By hanging out with the nervous Konko she will gradually open up, and over the days you spend together, you'll develop feelings of friendship and, eventually, love.

Ссылка: https://ifhub.club/2021/01/07/ifnews-02-2021.html