[#] Новые текстовые игры - восемнадцатое июня
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2021-06-18 09:10:24

* Антон Ра́ннала — «Вода и сопричастные»

> Леса и болота таят в себе множество загадок. Поколение за поколением эти загадки обрастают слухами, легендами, обрядами. И не всякий путник сможет миновать эти места, сохранив рассудок и жизнь. Получится ли это у героя игры, опоздавшего на сбор и пытающегося нагнать товарищей?

* Nickoailus и Гаяр — «Знамя (демо)»

> Демо-версия пошаговой стратегии с элементами научной фантастики.

* Таня Дудникова —«Будущий атом»

> Стань сторонником или противником атомной энергетики, делай выбор и узнай, к чему ты приведешь своё государство!

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#### Dashingdon

* milaswriting — «Golden — Book One»

> Returning home to the big city of Lehsa should've been an easy task. Especially when your father is the mayor. Though, when you're immersed in the city's Supernatural secrets, you endure problems university students your age can only dream of.

* bfor — «lost birds»

> Your journey begins and ends in the remnants of the once-great cities. Betrayed, dying with a question still on your lips. A chance for revenge as a ghostly voice calls you back from the dead.

* theuwriting — «The Heir Quest: Book One — Demo»

> Engage in a quest to save your kingdom, maybe the entire domain, from the monsters allied to an evil sealed God. Will you thrive above all the pressure or watch all that matters crumbles to ash in front of you?

* josephferrante — «Infimus! — A Supervillain Story (WIP)»

> Infimus is a supervillain RPG where you do crimes, mutate your body into new and improbable shapes, pet walruses and upend the existing superhero-led world order for fun and profit.

* zionmantis — «Bracken Fell: Tale of Tails»

> Take on the role of a small animal that must set out on an epic saga to locate the ancient spirit of a lost hero. Save your home from hordes of attacking Vermin, or succumb to evil and command them all!

* beerme — «Knock Knock Neighbor»

> A story in which you have a dream about someone you used to know. Will you take the risk of mending your past or simply forget about it?

* meltingpenguins — «The Ballad of Devil's Creek»

> A Weird West Adventure putting you up against bounty hunters, ghosts and a doomsday cult as you try to stop the end of the world.


#### Itch

* Mer Grazzini — «Only we know the things we lost in the fire»
* BlueBeatsDL — «Other world chain.»
* 2nd Dimensional Games — «Potion Seller's Apprentice»
* TECL — «L'étudiant»
* Caleb Rolph — «Sleep Now»
* Botch Frivarg — «Guardian»
* Ludi Antiqui — «Cunning Folk»
* Arthur Moreno Popien — «Torian Dungeon»

> text based d&d; adventure

* Pixdigit — «Joined Hunt»

> Join a friend to find the mystery

* ChrisC — «Common Moonlight — GMTK 2021»

> An interactive storytelling experiment

* Void — «The Port»
* TheStoreman — «Kid's Game»
* TinySamm — «-Black Cherries-»
* Shemon2 — «Projekt únikovka»
* MGPAlpha — «Waves in Space»
* 5H — «Les mails de Mamie»
* MrLimeDev — «A Cmd Story Game»
* Hyperfocused Games — «Insert Project Name Here»
* wcyu — «Put 'er There»
* klaiis — «Bloodline»
* Mickehh — «Falling In Love»
* andidebob — «Cultthulhu»
* altArcade — «Psychonaut: Veil of Ignorance»
* falber — «Simulateur d'entretiens»
* Desgamer — «Grab bread or something»
* Roomah Gaming — «Pandora Project»
* ItaPita — «Color Wheel — no sound edition»

> A colorful game made with c# and a console

* biscuitcrow — «Avis»

> (WIP) In which you have a conversation with a weird guy at a train station.

* Kiefciman — «Mine»

> TUI mining simulator based on the discord game.

* Shirox46 — «Chance for a new Romance»

> Small dating sim from Summergamejam2021

* CelestialArcadia — «Hopes»
* LC3 — «A Political Marriage»
* TimRAGE90 — «Organical»
* Atelier Jeux Video — «L'homme»
* Atelier Jeux Video — «La peste noire»
* Atelier Jeux Video — «The Demon King»
* Ressort Grafische Schadensregulierung — «click to take a hit»
* katherlin — «pathways of (dis)comfort»
* Fax — «Empty House 2»
* TommyF — «Can You Kill Mufasa?»

> Be Prepaaaared…..

* Spooky Rosalyn — «Moth Manor»

> A short spooky text adventure about finding yourself

* a.c.d — «DELUSION»
* alovats — «A Strange Silver Space»
* AhmedElmi — «Fix-my-ship»
* 11BelowStudio — «Existential Crisis Simulator.»
* inkle — «Overboard!»
* Rosedelio — «A Moment in Eternity»
* Akhil Nivarthi — «Broken»
* Clio Em — «Princess»
* Jaykingamez — «Marriage Counsellor 2: Electric Boogaloo»
* findejournee — «Les bureaux»
* yukiii010 — «Eternal Flame2.0»
* phoenixkane — «Mayhem for Money»
* FrankenSama — «ColorMeQpid»
* Kelly — «Thersanom: The Hidden Secret»
* André N. Darcie — «Get Out»

> A Minimalist Survival Text Base Game

* Sæborg Ninja — «17. Júnídagatal Ríkissjónvarpsins 2021 (Icelandic language)»

> A continuation of the 2020 Icelandic advent calendar.

* Dao Pen — «The Overtaken»

> “Sometimes, I become the ghost.”

* bigoldro — «16 Thousand Satisfied Customers»

> Waking up is hard. Waking up in a strange place is even worse.

* silverhair — «Hot Flash»
* DranKof — «Fix My Spaceship»
* SpacePrius — «Self»
* Lukari — «Ultimo Ano»
* gameryashu — «Im the judge»
* JJJohnson — «Dog Boss Adventures»
* TrimStream — «Gremlins 3»
* LadyIcepaw — «Lovewood»
* PanPrimary — «The WORST Dating Sim»
* Sir_Shark — «Prison -0»

> You are going to escape Prison -0, the coldest prison in the world

* shnopy (shnopy319) — «Roger Harper's Cheesy Nightmare»

> Can you escape from the cheese induced zombie realm?

* vmingo — «under»
* Propending84 — «The Forumer»
* over verse — «OverVersE»
* Atelier Jeux Video — «Coup d'état à Versaille»
* Atelier Jeux Video — «Les sorciers meurtriers»
* voidkunn — «Dead Ends.»
* Michał Redźko's — «Error Game»

> Error

* BeldrProductions — «Base Alpha — A Space Story Puzzle Game»

> Base Alpha is occupied by robots. You're the only one who can save it!

* mattpor — «Return to Crystal Lake»

> A graphic/sound Friday the 13th themed adventure game.

* Jazgar — «Medieval Crusaders»
* loudebwa — «Speak Dating»
* emily :) — «Fortune, Fire and the Handyman»
* buffstudiogames — «7Days Origins»
* Atelier Jeux Video — «Une histoire surprenante»
* Morgis — «Strange Birthday»
* Team SolEtude — «A Sketchbook About Her Sun» (также на Itch)

> Through a narrative based on Red Ribbon’s new album “Planet X”, experience a broken-heart girl’s journey through thoughts, daydreams and music.

* GuidedtoDeath — «Guided To Death — A Forensics Case Stude»
* scottlimbrick — «an open highway on your back»
* starkholborn — «Welcome to Factus»

> On Factus, "luck" can be a dangerous word…

* Karina Popp — «The Lord of Hunger»

> Two mouths, one fable.

* Ink Beetle — «Rager at Steph's Place»

> Text adventure about an aussie yard party!

* exzyle — «Alien Hunter»

> Use your scanner to hunt the fugitive aliens!

* pedro3po — «Exit the Dungeon»
* nidula — «The Struggle We Need»
* npckc — «A Wheel Without a View»
* Over The Alps: The Lost Postcards — «All's Fair In The City Of Love»
* oliviapz.jpeg — «The Robbery»
* zhajy154 — «Wu Lin Hero»
* The Man Bat — «Ghost Trick: Phantom Love»
* Jyiscool — «Brew With Me»
* Mongpong1993 — «Gayman»
* Maria Luisa — «Sneaky Sneaky Boss Lair»

> A Python-based text adventure

* Anydel — «Life of the Party»

> Spend an wild night in your favorite bar!

* Regged — «Purple Moon Text Based»

> Text Based Adventure

* crosshollow — «Crosshollow Foundations»
* Hishiro14 — «Le village figé»
* Gianergize — «EvaLynn»
* SambucaJK — «The Handler»
* Crin — «TADL: The average day at L'stanberg»
* vanvo — «Call of the Gaucho»
* minerrobot — «Untitled Mage Game»

> Extremely basic text based game

* Blazeben10 — «The adventure begins… And ends»
* phillingtime — «Space Port Bar»
* manonamora — «Meeting the Parents»
* jaz — «Why»
* bigworm44 — «whale.»
* Fax — «Empty House»
* squibbya — «To The Divide: A Visual Novel»
* KittyTeam — «United Students Academy»
* ThatAwesomeBoi1900 — «Very Young Spies»
* Games For Crows — «Out of Touch»

> It's your first date at the cinema. Will you hold hands?

* RaskiTech — «Your choices matter»

> You get to shape the story

* nonaNonymous — «Burn Join Pray»

> A simulation game where various events and rules join together to make chaotic yet intriguing chain reaction!

* Martin Ringot — «Comment ne pas écrire son article»

> Une fiction interactive sur la procrastination dans l'écriture d'article scientifique.

* River's End Games — «Today is his funeral»

> A Twine drama about loss and trauma

* heartsworn games — «Hands of God — Omniscience Camp»

> Walk in the Light of Obelis

* Morg — «Time Traveling Toilet»
* Soline Carton — «Joined, to get Her [GMTK Game Jam 2021]»
* nosewipe — «Drifting»
* Niven Hedinger — «Someday»
* Sebastian Scaini — «◭ Intergalactic Interpreter ◮»
* FennecFu Games — «Goodbye, Miss Cyanide»
* preposterous_productions — «For'ver»
* DanielDionysus — «the intruder»
* nobody5050 — «Hello Operator»
* korhiak — «C'est la Vie»
* T-Dog eXtreme — «Dolly Town Council: Centre for Approvals»
* DragonnFire29 — «Wizard's Wastes»

#### Steam

* Gene — «TheEvilKing»

> Text-Based Game, Adventure Game

* Pixels and Pins Studio — «The Terrible Persistence of Memory»

> When you wake from a deep sleep, the first thing the goblin doctor asks is "What's your name?" The problem is: you don't know. Retrace your steps. Find what you've lost. Piece together who you are from the strange and incredible things you can do

* ShakerBotStudio — «Mixology»

> This is not just any drinking game! Welcome to the Mixology Hostess Club, dear customer! You seem to have accidentally stumbled upon this club but, oh well! Time for drinks and most importantly… the hostesses! Successfully woo them and you could become more than a customer!

* UnicON — «Help Me!»

> Become a psychiatrist, talk, counsel, and treat patients. Depending on your choices, the mini games and dialogues will change. Hurry up. Help Me! patients are waiting.

* Soaker / 大貍, MaouCat Studio / 魔王貓工作室, MuGeNeon / 無限 — «The Hurt in Secret»

> “The Hurt in Secret” is a visual novel game adapted from true events. Players play a role as practice teacher to experience teachers’ life. They will involve in a troublesome case. In the story, the chosen dialogue will affect directly to the ending.

* Black Tabby Games — «Scarlet Hollow» (также на Itch)

> Scarlet Hollow is a horror-mystery game with sharp writing, dark humor, and hand-drawn art from award-winning graphic novelist Abby Howard.

Saga Planets — «Kinkoi: Golden Loveriche»

> Kinkoi: Golden Loveriche is a Japanese-style visual novel produced by Saga Planets, a Japanese developer of romance VNs. The game won numerous awards in the year of its release in Japan for its art, music, characters, and story.


#### Textadventures

* «Too late to class»
* «A conquista do Novo Mundo»

> Eres un antigo soldado que busca fortuna no Novo Mundo. Enrolado cun aventureiro español, acabas de chegar a unha illa do Novo Mundo. A túa misión é axudar ao teu capitán a explorar os novos territorios das Indias.

Ссылка: https://ifhub.club/2021/06/18/ifnews-25-2021.html