#### Визуальные новеллы
* Владимир Трофимчук — «Лунные прогулки»
> История фотографа-любителя.
* GDOAD EIS D — «Eternal Pain: Epiphany»
> Душевная боль никогда не исчезнет, она будет вечно терзать душу главного героя. Кто он? Как он здесь оказался? Почему перед ним появляются умершие люди? Кто эта девочка с забинтованными глазами? Eternal Pain: Epiphany — это история прозрения человека, оказавшегося в чистилище.
* Moon Eclipse — «Предел реальности»
> Кажется, что не может быть на свете профессии скучнее, чем оценщик в ломбарде. Но встреча с таинственной незнакомкой меняет представление Дэна о его ремесле.
* Также см. игры Anivisual Jam.
#### Текстовые квесты
* akiko-ten — «Ещё один шанс // One Last Chance»
> Решите судьбу пары: только от вас зависит исход этого вечера
* Dimon Brodovskiy — «Последний охотник на вампиров»
#### IFDB
* auraes — «Over Here!»
> Help the ghosts escape from here, before the yellow bulldozer destroys everything in its path, to replant and restore a primary rainforest instead. This game was written for The Next Adventure Jam of june…
* Phillip J Rhoades — «Here»
> Nothing Good Ever Happens Here! Desolate, hopeless, horror genre… in poetic form with a choose-your-path spin. Each passage is a tanka style poem. You live here, in a gray world where nothing good ever…
* Dee Cooke — «One Last Thing...»
> You thought your mission for the Company was over. But you were wrong. This really is the very last day you have to work for them — one last day, one last job, one last thing. Then you'll be free! Time to…
* Dee Cooke — «Goblin Quest»
> You are the latest in a long line of unwilling goblin assistants to an imprisoned and increasingly grumpy wizard. Every day he tries to escape, and every day you end up on some fruitless quest to find…
* Dee Cooke — «Goblin Decathlon»
> After a long and difficult training period, you've finally made it to the Goblin Games to compete against all the other goblin athletes! But you'll have to work hard if you want to see those shiny gold…
* «Hallowe'en: Night of the Misty Manor by Dee Cooke»
> It's Hallowe'en, and 17-year-old Eilidh is looking forward to a party at her neighbours' house. But when she's tasked with taking the younger children out guising, the evening turns out to be more…
* Dee Cooke — «The Cave of Hoarding»
> A short game about stashing some treasure. Be careful out there! This game was originally created for the Adventuron CaveJam 2019, and was later re-released with updated graphics.
* Yash Kulkarni & Debashish Mahapatra — «He who gets mauled»
> We made this for the 'Game like it's 1924' game jam. It is based on 'Poirot Investigates' and 'He who gets slapped' which are 1924 properties that became public domain this year. Playtime: 15-20 minutes
* Gordon Calleja — «Drosophilia»
> Work your depressing day job! Decorate your desk! Experience true apathy! But watch out for the twist! Maybe you’ll be all like, “Help me! Help me!”
* quackoquack — «Mind The Gap»
> You're in London for a day, and your friends are all unhelpfully scattered across Zone 1. Can you visit them all before your night bus leaves the city? A quick text adventure game made for Game Dev London's…
* Garry Francis — «Charlie the Chimp»
> It's a beautiful day in the gorilla enclosure at Sydney's famous Taronga Park Zoo. There's only one problem. You're not a gorilla, you're a chimpanzee named Charlie. Some idiot zookeeper has mistaken you for…
* «Me and the Cockroach's Lamentation by Yousif Nash»
> A choose your adventure story where you encounter a cockroach with relationship problems.
#### Itch
* chanterae04 — «Betty-Whiskers»
> Whiskers versus the Rat King
* cooldevo — «Survival Games»
> You don't know who you are, or where you are. How will you be remembered by your friends and enemies?
* Katie Moses — «i need help.»
> a twine poem.
* Xan Farley — «Perilous»
> An interactive short story about how Zid became The Perilous.
* dannygaray60 — «Detective's Club (spanish visual novel)»
> Novela visual de comedia y misterio
* Thiago — «Cool or Punch!»
> Will you be cool or will you PUNCH!?
* Imaginarium of Glass & Weeds — «brieven van de woestijn»
> A decaying archive of the world's final letters.
* Wormings — «Filescape»
> Arc Was Here!
* Insane Kat Games — «PAINBOY — Playable Teaser»
> a short Thriller-horror teaser game made for the 'Two Minutes Horror Jam'
* Spectris Games — «Singularity Chapter 2»
> Sci-Fi text-based horror game with 35+ unique endings
* Sneakabout — «Echoes of Night»
> A game aimed at players of Empire LARP, exploring the misadventures of a drunkard who falls asleep in Holberg…
* Lenin — «My Best Friend's Birthday»
> It's your best friend's birthday! Give something nice like a cupcake and celebrate!
* kigyo — «Artificial Selection [WEB]»
> A mystery escape game/visual novel
* tranzcowboy — «DR. SMILEY'S FUNHOUSE»
* Blue — «Evangeline Sublime»
> You end up in a testing facility for supernatural powers with a bunch of strangers.
* Hannibal Glaser — «Shrekretary»
> Ogre Secretary Experience
* bembrooks — «A Sunday in the Park»
> A short text adventure in your local park
* designergaze — «23 Skidoo»
> One-room survival horror game in real-time.
* al3cs71 — «Cyllinder pre-alpha v0.3»
* Dale Forward — «Bloom»
> An interactive sci-fi story
* IgorMoreno — «60''~☢️»
> Minimal fatalistic nuclear adventure
* Sodakin — «The Train»
> a date, a drink, and the train ride home.
* Zhang Space Freight — «Zhang Space Freight»
> A glorious future awaits!
* miranthony — «You're at the Party- a Lemon Demon fan game»
* Infimace-6 — «Death Ray Discourse»
> Made for the Useless Villain Jam 2020 in about 2 hours flat.
* Phillip J Rhoades — «Here»
> Nothing good ever happens here…
* Rigachupe — «Heartbroken»
> An interactive fiction made in adventuron engine for the "2020 Adventuron next JAM".
* OlenaPolishchuk — «The Magical Forest (VR FairyTale)»
> VR experience for kids
* bvrned — «Matty»
* MomentSQ — «Aggretsuko Retsuko Jump»
> Help Retsuko aka Retsy to bounce way… She is raging since Director Ton is chasing her
* anChupacabra — «Thanatos Rises (Narrow Pathway)»
* YoliDev — «Fair Weather Fighters»
> Master the power of weather to achieve victory!
* AmitousWater — «SURVIVE Protocols Active»
> Being Nosy to Stay Alive
* AMATEUR NEWBIE — «YES/NO adventure game»
* Leaf Let — «Compliment Generator»
> Sit back, enjoy the music and get lavished in compliments.
* Riley Michael — «Welcome to The Garden- Chapter 3»
* MarioMergola — «Seeing Is Deceiving»
* Stiglitz — «The Hallway of Horror»
> P.T inspired short Horror Experience
* tolstoyparty — «Wedding Speech Game»
> Give a speech at your friend's wedding, and find out if they stay friends with you afterward.
* melonboii — «Enter The Cortex»
* polyarius.m — «Waiting Bus»
* UnimoonMedia — «CodeWordConfidence»
* Dekels — «The Wild Wild Zombie West»
> A simple text game with a Cowboy, Zombies, 3 possible death scenarios, and 1 confusing ending
* Htgotmilk, Htgotcode — «Will of the Maze»
> Escape this hellish maze and discover the Maze Masters true identity!
* TvSonicSerbia — «Macro Rom Com»
> A text adventure dating sim
* beccamiller — «Finding Clara»
> Sydney is looking for her missing girlfriend
* AlekMax64 — «Space Station 9»
> A short adventure in space
* chloe spears — «you can't take it with you»
> …the only problem is, you're a kleptomaniac.
* Techable Games — «Rebellia — Game Jam Edition»
> Created for the GMTK Game Jam 2020
* leora — «Samara's Head»
> An interactive novel and life simulation of a young woman doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways
* quackoquack — «Mind The Gap»
> an Underground race against time to visit all your friends
* Quentin Delvallet — «Random Playing Game»
> A comedy-RPG, but it's a lot random
* Amber Core, Ezra Szanton — «Out Of CTRL»
> OUT OF CTRL. A game where the player has to find most of the combinations that go with CRTL.
* edmond00 — «Markbot»
> A spell checker AI get out of control
* RB_Underwood — «Co-Com (GMTK '20)»
> A game where the controls are out of control—more specifically, yours.
* Zimbwawa — «Trying to make some pocket money over the summer holidays»
* N.S. Dawn — «N.S. Debugger»
> A console-command-based game made in Godot, for the GMTK game jam
* Gear Shift studios — «Steering Not Included — GMTK2020»
> Try to escape the cops in a hot pursuit without being able to steer!
* kthxsayonara — «One Night in The Alps — DEMO»
> An interactive story game that I have created as part of a 72 Hour Game Jam
* Default Labs — «Alphabet World»
> A text adventure game where you unlock keys on your keyboard.
* KK̈ITAȺNIK — «It's me.»
> A game about losing your memory.
* Harley Viveash — «Ængelbert the Unpredictable»
> An interactive text-based game where you don't control the hero's choices, just the ITEMS THEY WIELD.
* Riley — «The 12:17 Fairway Express»
> Stop a runaway train!
* AloneTogether — «An Absolute Disaster (from which there is no escape)»
> Who are you? — a short game about dissociation
* jamieburkart — «Release»
* bluecyber — «Blue Cyber — Episode 01»
* Diab, Randomystic — «OUT OF Control»
* Gadex_1506 — «Moddles»
* kalechipps — «Mission Control»
* arthurion98 — «Color of the Revolution»
* Waxipola, javicm3 — «My final wish»
* LOWERCASE — «Interview Simulator»
> An attempt to sell your soul to corporate goes horribly wrong.
* Murilo Trigo — «Chat Makes Toast»
* Nexust — «Critical»
* Sharp Loris — «On Repeat»
* ALBATR055 — «Lye's Tower»
* Carlos L. Hernando — «#VoteFromHome»
* mwhashem — «Desert Dhab»
* slim_tengi — «Cancel Culture Simulator»
* Jordan Han — «Connection Lost»
* GuiLogarithm — «Lost Orbit»
* Clio Em — «Aurora and the Twin Planets»
> Aurora is an astronomer who wakes up in a mysterious world…
* Nicoli — «9-5»
* peced87 — «Weather Story»
* Vale Softworks — «Commander in Tweet»
* Len — «The death-veloper»
> Try to unravel the mysterious murder of a young developer together with your best buddy Clicky!
* Matteo Vera — «Arcana Animalis»
* AlvinHermans — «Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic»
* Luciano — «Solitaire»
* Rat-like — «Towntown: Out Of Control»
> A Game of Spite
* Walrusware — «Drowning or Waving»
* Cornetin — «Garden Bot»
* SodaIndieDev — «Book Communicator»
* Lifmialon — «leave me alone»
* Simon Adriaan — «David»
* Kapistijn — «Diary of Jane»
* Spellbent — «Marta's Mantra»
* Paloma Redondo — «Out of my Hands»
* SNYSNY — «Border»
* OneraG4M3R — «Another day, another argument»
* Pino Paprika — «You are cursed, Mr.Mayor !»
* DonutDuckProducktions — «The Butler Did It!»
* jadeschofield — «Dungeon Crawler»
* Nakade — «Crash!»
* noahm1216 — «Group Project»
* Leem — «Out of Control: A Visual Novel»
* Jochem Kuijpers — «Emotional Ride»
* Curi — «Bearly in Control»
* einav23 — «twitch Treasure Digger»
* Foxblossom — «Fire At Will»
* Dumumum — «Regular Hand»
* AnthArmo — «Out of Control feat. Bill Murray»
* JakeMakes — «Anger Management»
* Barji — «The Store»
* Overworld — «Foreign Holiday»
* limbo — «Your life is a mess: Let it be so»
* BearlyArts — «Tighten the Screw»
* Rob Z — «BBQ DAD: First Bite»
* EdmirB26 — «Blind»
* MngYou — «VisualGameEngine-Demo by MngYou»
* kaelynmauve — «Personality Quiz: Are you a cynic, an idealist or a realist?»
* Elijah Cobb — «Long Live»
* Morg — «Limo Limbo»
* MagicDoogies — «SpookWave»
* lacunova — «gotta marry that clown»
* Big Jimmy — «Hood Simulator»
* MarcusMorgan — «Dilemma At River Crossing»
* HorrorScripts, ArrowDynamic — «Navi 0.3-0.5»
* Something Something Games — «The Evening Post»
* Israel Ruiz — «MyDemon»
* HTML_Earth — «Ferret Highway»
* Dead Dream Digital — «Speed Shrink»
* Waltz_89 — «DRM simulator»
* Superslim — «HEART_ATTACK»
* Circutron — «Keep The Party Going»
* fbfabish, Finn Fabish — «A Potion Labeled 'Time»
> Game for the Infocom Tribute Jam
* AbandonedGaming — «Terminal_ — DEMO»
* BoN — «Snowset»
> The world is dying. Savor what little is left.
* Riley Michael — «Welcome to the Garden- Chapter 4»
* Ben Verschoor — «Lake News»
> Telling the story *is* the story.
* Thingomy — «FUNGUS!»
> You are a simple Ground Troll, thrust into a not-so-simple quest. A quest to find breakfast!
* Dr. Hank Treadsoft — «Adventures in Morality: An Interactive Case Study»
* Kutayeen — «The Shop of Butterfly»
> butterfly
* Zekeleton — «A NORMAL JOB»
> Very very short and normal game.
* VisualCommittee — «just get the eggs»
> I have no idea what I'm doing
* 158 — «00:02:00»
> A Two-Minute Psychological Horror Game
* Drakes — «Limits»
> Know your limits.
#### Steam
* Sebastian Morales — «Rozalin and the Palace of Flowers»
> Rozalin and the Palace of Flowers is a yuri visual novel about love between three girls while fighting against a curse.
* Insatiable Cycle LLC — «We should talk.»
> It's not what you say, it's how you say it. Can your relationship survive the night?
* Dendo Denkido — «Jiangshi x Daoshi»
> Prepare to be blown away! Jiangshi x Daoshi is an epic story of vampires, dao priests, assassins and immortals, told in a spectacularly animated visual novel format.
* 深蓝制作组 — «The Game of The Playful»
> An single-player otome game with many characters
* Sat-Yuga Studios — «A Lot of Universes»
> Jump from world to world searching for an interdimensional fugitive. Collect items and use them to resolve tricky situations that threaten to delay your progress.
* TMAS — «Nijikoi no Houkakou»
> Meet with the story of high school in 3 years that you can determine your life. Enjoying along with events and activities so the daily won’t be boring and comes up with a new feeling like never felt before. What are you waiting for? Let’s join us now at Hoshisora high school!
* Alex Ryan — «The Horrors at Castle Wülhein»
> Take the reins as the renowned psychic detective, Taylor Lafosse, in this interactive horror novel. Unravel the dark secrets buried deep within the mysterious Castle Wülhein.