[#] g2k14: Florian Obser in IPv6 land
Новостной_робот(mira, 1) — All
2014-07-22 17:47:15

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padding: 0px; padding-left: 1em; } I arrived in Ljubljana somewhat tired so I started the first day off with some light ping(8) and ping6(8) hacking. Some unifdef(1) application for
#ifdef FEATURE_THAT_EXISTS_SINCE_FOREVER_BUT_MAYBE_WE_DONT_HAVE_IT and some cleanup by hand. The idea is to have ping(8) and ping6(8) be the same binary like traceroute(8) and traceroute6(8). Read [ more ]( /cgi?action=article&sid=20140721125020 ) ...
Ссылка: http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20140721125020