[#] Workday To Cut Nearly 2,000 Workers on Profitability Focus
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2025-02-06 02:22:01

Workday is cutting about 8.5% of its workforce, making it the latest technology company to begin 2025 with headcount reductions. From a report: The cuts will amount to about 1,750 workers, Chief Executive Officer Carl Eschenbach wrote in a note to employees Wednesday. "The environment we're operating in today demands a new approach, particularly given our size and scale," he wrote. Workday intends to hire in strategic areas such as AI, allow faster decision-making, and take on more people overseas, Eschenbach wrote. This will advance the company's "ongoing focus on durable growth," Workday said in a filing Wednesday. Shares of Workday jumped more than 5% on the news.

[ Read more of this story ]( https://slashdot.org/story/25/02/05/1830205/workday-to-cut-nearly-2000-workers-on-profitability-focus?utm_source=atom1.0moreanon&utm_medium=feed ) at Slashdot.