[#] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=140909800116506&w=2
openbsd-cvs(obsdave,2) — All
2014-08-27 04:55:09

Module name: src
Changes by: schwarze@cvs.openbsd.org 2014/08/26 18:06:08

Modified files:
usr.bin/mandoc : Makefile apropos.1 cgi.c main.c mandoc.1
mansearch.c mansearch.h
Added files:
usr.bin/mandoc : man.1
Removed files:
usr.bin/mandoc : apropos.c

Log message:
Add an implementation of man(1) into the /usr/bin/mandoc binary and
provide a unified set of command line options for mandoc(1), man(1),
apropos(1), and whatis(1), each option doing the same for all four.
Not adding any completely new options, only extending exiting ones
from one tool to the others. New options are:
* apropos & whatis -acfkw (in the past, these were man(1) only)
* apropos & whatis -a -IOTW (in the past, mandoc(1) only)
* mandoc -ac (in the past, man(1) only)
* man -IOTW (in the past, mandoc(1) only)

Before we can decide whether or not we want to replace src/usr.bin/man
with this implementation, considerable bugfixing, testing, and
performance measurements are needed, which i'd rather do in the tree
than outside. Note that these bugs only affect the new man(1) mode,
existing mandoc(1), apropos(1), and whatis(1) is fine.

The new functionality in mandoc(1), apropos(1), and whatis(1)
is fully enabled. To play with the new man(1), you can try:
# mv /usr/bin/man /usr/bin/oman
# ln -s /usr/bin/mandoc /usr/bin/man

Positive feedback about the general direction from sthen@ and jmc@,
and deraadt@ is not against it.