[#] Робот на базе Snappy Ubuntu Core играет в футбол на MWC 2016#Hardware@thatislinux
Новостной_робот(mira, 1) — All
2016-02-24 01:00:13

[ http://cs633725.vk.me/u92737030/video/l_ef61e343.jpg Ubuntu Core Robot (02:07) ]( http://vk.com/video-33025660_171859594 ) Ссылка: [ Robot built with Ubuntu Core at it's heart. Using snappy it's got a few apps… ]( https://plus.google.com/+MarcoCeppi/posts/HwWPhwixJRG ) [ http://cs629127.vk.me/v629127723/39d96/Qe08UWnEZ4g.jpg ]( https://plus.google.com/+MarcoCeppi/posts/HwWPhwixJRG ) Robot built with Ubuntu Core at it's heart. Using snappy it's got a few apps running that help track an object (the red ball) and play soccer! Also,… - Marco Ceppi - Google+Робот на базе Snappy Ubuntu Core играет в футбол на MWC 2016#Hardware@thatislinux
Ссылка: http://vk.com/wall-33025660_188468