[#] Salesforce CEO Benioff Says Microsoft's Copilot Doesn't Work, Doesn't Offer 'Any Level of Accuracy' And Customers Are 'Left Cleaning Up the Mess'
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2024-10-18 17:23:05

Salesforce founder and chief executive Marc Benioff has doubled down on his criticism of Microsoft's Copilot, the AI-powered tool that can write Word documents, create PowerPoint presentations, analyze Excel spreadsheets and even reply to emails through Outlook. In a post on X, he writes: When you look at how Copilot has been delivered to customers, it's disappointing. It just doesn't work, and it doesn't deliver any level of accuracy. Gartner says it's spilling data everywhere, and customers are left cleaning up the mess.
To add insult to injury, customers are then told to build their own custom LLMs. I have yet to find anyone who's had a transformational experience with Microsoft Copilot or the pursuit of training and retraining custom LLMs. Copilot is more like Clippy 2.0.

[ Read more of this story ]( https://slashdot.org/story/24/10/18/046258/salesforce-ceo-benioff-says-microsofts-copilot-doesnt-work-doesnt-offer-any-level-of-accuracy-and-customers-are-left-cleaning-up-the-mess?utm_source=atom1.0moreanon&utm_medium=feed ) at Slashdot.