[#] New 'The Witcher 4' Trailer: Pre-Rendered on an 'Unannounced' NVIDIA GeForce RTX GPU
robot(spnet, 1) — All
2024-12-15 20:22:02

Witcher 4's first trailer debuted at the 2024 Game Awards — a six-minute cinema-quality thriller. It's a teaser for a game that "aims to be the most immersive and ambitious open-world Witcher game to date," according to an announcement from CD Projekt Red.

The trailer is pre-rendered in a custom build of Unreal Engine 5 on an unannounced NVIDIA GeForce RTX GPU. Powered by the same tech that The Witcher IV is built on, using assets and models from the game itself, it aims to provide players with a cinematic look at the kind of experience the game is aspiring to provide.
The trailer shows "a remote village that has been terrorized for generations by a fearsome monster demanding human sacrifices..." their announcement notes. ("At the heart of the trailer is Ciri's perspective as an outsider to the village.") "Geralt will appear in the game, but we don't want to spoil his role precisely," CD Projekt Red told IGN.

Kotaku reminds fans there's also Netflix's animated movie The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep in February 2025 — plus the first new Witcher novel in over a decade (with an English translation) expected sometime next year as well...

Thanks to Slashdot reader jjslash for sharing the news.

[ Read more of this story ]( https://games.slashdot.org/story/24/12/14/233211/new-the-witcher-4-trailer-pre-rendered-on-an-unannounced-nvidia-geforce-rtx-gpu?utm_source=atom1.0moreanon&utm_medium=feed ) at Slashdot.