openbsd-cvs(obsdave,2) — All
2014-08-28 18:55:13
Module name: src
Changes by: jsing@cvs.openbsd.org 2014/08/28 08:23:52
Modified files:
usr.bin/openssl: asn1pars.c ca.c crl.c crl2p7.c dh.c dhparam.c
dsa.c dsaparam.c ec.c ecparam.c genpkey.c
genrsa.c nseq.c pkcs12.c pkcs7.c pkcs8.c pkey.c
pkeyparam.c pkeyutl.c req.c rsa.c rsautl.c
sess_id.c spkac.c ts.c verify.c x509.c
Log message:
openssl_setup() calls SSL_load_error_strings(), which happens to call
ERR_load_crypto_strings() - as such, we do not need to call the same
function from most of the applications.