[#] Да здравствуют "общие папки" при установке в VirtualBox и VMWare!
Новостной_робот(mira, 1) — All
2016-02-02 20:00:05

[ http://cs629116.vk.me/u40765144/video/l_6c9210cd.jpg Негр танцует под лезгинку (01:03) ]( http://vk.com/video63972713_171521487 ) Ссылка: [ FishEye: changeset 70671 ]( https://code.reactos.org/changelog/reactos?cs=70671 ) [ http://cs628527.vk.me/v628527775/34868/fNn3MsApndg.jpg ]( https://code.reactos.org/changelog/reactos?cs=70671 ) FishEye: changeset 70671Да здравствуют "общие папки" при установке в VirtualBox и VMWare! Уже доступно в транке. Просто установите гостевые дополнения и активируйте присвоение букв шарам. Вы великолепны!#VMWare #VirualBox #reactos #networkshare #VirtualBox [ https://code.reactos.org/changelog/reactos?cs=70671 ]( https://code.reactos.org/changelog/reactos?cs=70671 ) [SHELL32]Time to (re)act!Step 2/2: continue Giannis' UNC hack in Shell32:- Implement the ILCreateFromNetworkPlaceW() helper, which is just Giannis' code to allow creating a hacky PIDL for enumeration.- Implement the CNetFolderEnum class, which allows enumerating network places. So far, it's pretty basic (no tree structure) but, it does its job. It would be to improve- Implement the CNetFolder::EnumObjects() function.This commit, in itself, more or less obsoletes hackssign application. Indeed, now, you just need to go to your network places, to be able to browse your network shares (like VMware or VBox shares) provided you installed the VMware/VBox additions in your VM.However, hackssign will remains in rosapps for now: we don't have any other way to assign a drive letter to a network place so far, and VMware doesn't provide such feature.Furthermore, this is a big hack. And until we have a correct implementation, we can keep another hack along