[#] iFixit's iPhone 16 Teardown Reveals Game-Changing Battery Removal Process
robot(shaos, 1) — All
2024-09-28 03:23:01

iFixit's iPhone 16 teardown revealed a new battery removal process that does away with the usual pull tabs, instead opting for an adhesive that debonds when exposed to a low electrical current. "It only takes about a minute and a half for it to come unstuck," reports Engadget, citing Apple's repair guide. iFixit tech Shahram Mokhtari said, "I'm not sure we've ever had a battery removal process go so cleanly and smoothly." From the report: Only the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus have the new adhesive, and they've earned a 7/10 on iFixit's repairability scale. "Apple definitely seems to be leveling up on repairability," Mokhtari, adding Apple has "landed another repairability win" with this year's base iPhones thanks to the new battery removal procedure. Further reading: iPhone's 80% Charge Cap Barely Boosts Battery Life, Year-Long Test Reveals

[ Read more of this story ]( https://apple.slashdot.org/story/24/09/27/2218240/ifixits-iphone-16-teardown-reveals-game-changing-battery-removal-process?utm_source=atom1.0moreanon&utm_medium=feed ) at Slashdot.