[#] INSTEAD 3.1.0
Peter(syscall,1) — All
2017-08-20 13:44:07

Hi all! INSTEAD 3.1.0 is out. Bug fixes, new features and… The new html5 port INSTEAD-EM (emscripten build) is available as the official new port of INSTEAD! You can run any game from our repository here: http://instead-games.ru/em.php.

Changes of 3.1.0:

* emscripten port;
* fix div by zero in rnd;
* fix in loadmod (from gamefile);
* fix in path (.walk as function);
* fixes in doc;
* code cleanups (compilation warnings);
* instead.noise1/2/3/4 (Perlin Noise);
* pixels: scale()/rotate().

Binary builds will be available as soon as they are ready.