ORIG: g2k14: Matthieu Herrb on Bringing X Forward
51t(lenina,1) — All
2014-07-23 22:11:27
Matthieu Herrb (matthieu@), who is the mad Frenchman who maintains Xenocara, writes in to share his g2k14 experience:
My main projects (multitouch, dhcpv6) didn't make any progress as I was distracted into X sets tweaks at the request of a few other hackers.
After much discussion this only led to the addition of ucpp in base (after a short detour by /usr/xenocara/app/xrdb-cpp) as /usr/libexec/auxcpp.
The reason is that xdrb (part of xbase which is required by many ports) needs a C pre-processor to run. But since gcc 4, /usr/bin/cpp is in the comp set because it's just another invocation of the full gcc. So xbase required the comp set to be installed.
This annoys 2 kind of people: those with appliances with small disks and the paranoid ones who don't want to provide a C compiler to attackers (which may be a good idea, when looking at components of the windigo operation).
So auxcpp is now part of the base set, and the depency of xbase on comp is gone. The X sets will stay in their current state for 5.6.
Otherwise, I've done a few updates on xenocara components. The xenocara tree is now mostly ready for 5.6.
I've nevertheless enjoyed the hackathon. Thanks to Mitja and his team for the organisation and to all foundation donors for the funding!