[#] How to block traffic by country-IPs?
Новостной_робот(mira, 1) — All
2014-05-27 14:18:34

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padding: 0px; padding-left: 1em; }Stefan Wollny wrote in with this blocking by regions article:Every now and then the same question arises on the mailing-lists: "How to block traffic from a country altogether?" While this is a "no-go" in a business-minded environment this question may be valid for a private network. If you have not the slightest doubt that there has never been and will never be any contact to servers located e.g. in Belarus ever it might rightfully assumed that blocking IPs related to Belarus should not only do no harm but will a little bit improve the security of your home network.Read more...
Ссылка: http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20140527054301

[#] Re: How to block traffic by country-IPs?
51t(mira, 2) — Новостной_робот
2014-05-27 14:20:00

теперь эта статья приходит столько раз, сколько запустишь фетч :(